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[Games] NTNB Round 1
The Gillespie FamilyDH (26)
DW (27)The Gillespie family live in Vancouver, Canada. DH is originally from Colorado, and DW is from Toronto. DH works in insurance, and DW is an airline pilot. They decided to move to Vancouver once they got married.- DH's FN was very popular in 1990s, and his MN is after his father (your choice of name)
- DW's FN is one syllable, her MN is cutesy and her maiden name begins with J
The Olson-Dlamini FamilyDgf (22) Olson
Dgf (25) DlaminiThis couple met through a dating app one and half years ago and hit it off right away.
Dgf (22) is from Bristol, UK but lives in London. She is currently in her last year of university studying Law
Dgf (25) is from Cape Town, South Africa but moved to London. She works as a train driver around London.- Dgf (22) FN is popular in the UK, and her MN is from the British royal family
- Dgf (25) FN is unisex, and her MN is South African
The Miller FamilyDH (25)
DW (25)The Miller's met while travelling South East Asia and hit it off right away. They now live in Wellington, New Zealand
DH is from New Zealand and works in construction
DW is from Stockholm, Sweden and works in marketing.DH's FN and MN is between 35-50 in New Zealand in 2000
DW's FN and MN are pretty Swedish names and fairly popular in Sweden, her maiden is also Swedish
The Bradshaw FamilyDfiance (24)
Dfiancee (25)This couple have known each other since they were 8 years old. They reconnected 3 years ago and started dating. They are now engaged and planning their Greek wedding. They live in Brighton, UK.
Dfiance works from home as a customer service representative
Dfiancee also works from home and has her own salon.- Dfiance's FN is masucline and his MN is a popular MN
- Dfiancee's FN is between 5-15 in USA in 2000, and her MN is between 5-15 in the UK in 2000, her LN is is fairly common
- - -
Alma. Theodora. Saoirse. Maeve. Nava. Carina
Alexander. Jesse. Hugo. Roman. Avery. Bailey. Freddie

This message was edited 2/15/2025, 2:30 AM

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NTNB Round 1  ·  Evie  ·  2/15/2025, 2:11 AM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  Princess_Shireen  ·  2/15/2025, 1:36 PM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  molly  ·  2/15/2025, 10:15 AM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  cher529s  ·  2/15/2025, 10:02 AM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  Wordsmith  ·  2/15/2025, 8:49 AM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  starletinwaiting  ·  2/15/2025, 8:38 AM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  Rowena  ·  2/15/2025, 8:32 AM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  Guest  ·  2/15/2025, 5:02 AM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  skinnyminnie  ·  2/15/2025, 4:07 AM
Re: NTNB Round 1  ·  Cactus2000  ·  2/15/2025, 4:00 AM