[Opinions] Re: what I want to know ...
Yeah, I'm jealous. I have "movie dreams" (as I think of them) a couple of times a year if I'm lucky, but normally I can't remember much about them when I wake up. *Sometimes* I will be able to dream a last name, but not a whole bunch, and even then they are not really names (one time someone's "last name" was just a picture of a wheel).


Name I have in my mind when dreaming (yesterday)  ·  Master.exe  ·  2/15/2025, 5:07 AM
Re: Name I have in my mind when dreaming (yesterday)  ·  New_Chloë  ·  2/15/2025, 10:14 AM
Re: Name I have in my mind when dreaming (yesterday)  ·  KK  ·  2/15/2025, 8:13 AM
what I want to know ...  ·  RoxStar  ·  2/15/2025, 7:39 AM
Re: what I want to know ...  ·  New_Chloë  ·  2/15/2025, 10:13 AM
Re: what I want to know ...  ·  RoxStar  ·  2/15/2025, 3:35 PM
Re: what I want to know ...  ·  kingdom_of_daydreams  ·  2/15/2025, 7:41 AM