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[Opinions] Re: 10 kids in 10 years, 9 boys and 1 girl . How do you like their names? What would you name this sibset scenario?
I've followed them for a while online but stopped because it felt like the older boys really didn't like doing the videos. It felt exploitative to actually watch kids being forced to do something they dislike or find annoying so that their parents could make have viral videos.Also they are Mormon and I agree, for Mormons these are legit very tame names! It's not a diss, but Mormon names tend to be very original and these parents stayed with very classic boys names. It's fun to imagine the name list but oh boy do 2 sets of twins sound like a nightmare! Here I go:1. Thomas (it's in their sibset but what can I say? Always been a favorite of mine)
2. Henri and Édouard
3. Florian et Mathias
4. Victor
5. Axel
6. Léonard
7. Juliette
8. ThéodoreDon't hesitate to rate my different PNLs:


Yeah, I don't agree with the ethical implications of family channels either and haven't followed any in years. But my FYP knows I watch multiples and large family videos sometimes, so often I still get tossed those. It's probably still just as bad of me to be honest. I think I'm lucky to have not grown up on camera.