[Opinions] Mirren & Dinah
I have just finished binge watching a four part tv programme. One of the actresses was a woman called Mirren Mack and she played a character called Dinah (pronounced die-NAH). Often we discuss Diana and Diane but rarely Dinah and I love Mirren. Though it is a diminutive of Marion it is sometimes given here as name in its own right. WDYT of Dinah and Mirren?
Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from
Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from
I like both names.
I know someone named Mearan, pronounced the same as Mirren. I think it’s a fine name. Dinah is awful.
Dinah is fine,Mirren is surnamey to me.
Dinah is vintage and adorable, it should make a comeback. As for Mirren, I somewhat like it - it has a LoTR vibe and I'm a fan of fantasy names, however, it's also too surnamey, reminds me of Helen Mirren.
Dinah always reminds me of the younger sister from The Philadelphia Story, It's a nice if old fashioned name (also reminds me of the cat from Alice in Wonderland) & Mirren is an interesting name. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but it sort of reminds me of Maren, which is a cool name
I've always liked Mirren, but never enough to use it myself. I'd prefer Marianne, then Mirren and only then the Marion/Marian versions.
I don't enjoy die-NAH one bit; it just doesn't convince me. DIE-nah, otoh, I love. It's a family name from way back in the 19th century, and goodness knows how that distant ancestor pronounced it. I once had two cats, rescue kittens named Alice the Alley Cat and Katie the Kitty. Then we collected another rescue kitten and, stuck for a name, I called her Dinah after the cat in Lewis Carroll, and because of Alice.
I don't enjoy die-NAH one bit; it just doesn't convince me. DIE-nah, otoh, I love. It's a family name from way back in the 19th century, and goodness knows how that distant ancestor pronounced it. I once had two cats, rescue kittens named Alice the Alley Cat and Katie the Kitty. Then we collected another rescue kitten and, stuck for a name, I called her Dinah after the cat in Lewis Carroll, and because of Alice.
Dinah I prefer as Dina (dee-nah), which is same name with different spelling. It is pronounced dee-nah where I am from. Dina can also be short for Diana here.
Mirren is new, I never seen this name, it is nice! It seem like more of a male name to me but if it is girl name where you come from then that is fine. It remind me of word мир (mir): which mean peace and world in Russian. I pronounce this name like meerr-rrehn, if it is different pronounciation tell me!
Mirren is new, I never seen this name, it is nice! It seem like more of a male name to me but if it is girl name where you come from then that is fine. It remind me of word мир (mir): which mean peace and world in Russian. I pronounce this name like meerr-rrehn, if it is different pronounciation tell me!