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[Opinions] Mirren & Dinah
I have just finished binge watching a four part tv programme. One of the actresses was a woman called Mirren Mack and she played a character called Dinah (pronounced die-NAH). Often we discuss Diana and Diane but rarely Dinah and I love Mirren. Though it is a diminutive of Marion it is sometimes given here as name in its own right. WDYT of Dinah and Mirren?Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from


I like both names.
I know someone named Mearan, pronounced the same as Mirren. I think it’s a fine name. Dinah is awful.
Dinah is fine,Mirren is surnamey to me.
Dinah is vintage and adorable, it should make a comeback. As for Mirren, I somewhat like it - it has a LoTR vibe and I'm a fan of fantasy names, however, it's also too surnamey, reminds me of Helen Mirren.
Dinah always reminds me of the younger sister from The Philadelphia Story, It's a nice if old fashioned name (also reminds me of the cat from Alice in Wonderland) & Mirren is an interesting name. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but it sort of reminds me of Maren, which is a cool name
I've always liked Mirren, but never enough to use it myself. I'd prefer Marianne, then Mirren and only then the Marion/Marian versions.I don't enjoy die-NAH one bit; it just doesn't convince me. DIE-nah, otoh, I love. It's a family name from way back in the 19th century, and goodness knows how that distant ancestor pronounced it. I once had two cats, rescue kittens named Alice the Alley Cat and Katie the Kitty. Then we collected another rescue kitten and, stuck for a name, I called her Dinah after the cat in Lewis Carroll, and because of Alice.
Dinah I prefer as Dina (dee-nah), which is same name with different spelling. It is pronounced dee-nah where I am from. Dina can also be short for Diana here. Mirren is new, I never seen this name, it is nice! It seem like more of a male name to me but if it is girl name where you come from then that is fine. It remind me of word мир (mir): which mean peace and world in Russian. I pronounce this name like meerr-rrehn, if it is different pronounciation tell me!
I love Dinah. It has comparable energy to the name June - both are very "retro pert" warm, homey names. I think Dinah should have a resurgence!Mirren is a really pretty sound. I do think immediately of Helen Mirren, which isn't terrible.