Hey guys! Sorry for the wait, I had a lot of school work to get trough :(
Next Generation: 3: Flowers
1 Waterlilies

2 Poppy Field in a Hollow near Giverny

3 Vase of flowers

4 Nympheas

5 Flower Beds at Vétheuil

6 Spring flowers

1 Waterlilies one daughter and a set of twins, gender up to you:
DD1 : FN - Means "Lily" :
https://www.behindthename.com/meaning/lilyMN - FN - From this list :
https://nameberry.com/blog/french-baby-names-les-fleursTwin1 : FN - Name means blue :
https://nameberry.com/list/706/cool-nsmes-that-mean-blueMN - After a French river :
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rivers_of_FranceTwin2 : FN - Name means blue :
https://nameberry.com/list/706/cool-nsmes-that-mean-blueMN - After a French river :
2 Poppy Field in a Hollow near Givernytwo boys:
DS1 : FN - Starts with a P
MN - Means "flora" :
https://www.behindthename.com/names/tag/floraDS2: Means Green :
https://nameberry.com/list/723/names-that-mean-greenMN - FN/version of FN from Father or Grandpa
3 Vase of flowerstwo sons and one daughter:
DS1 : FN - FN/version of FN from Father or Grandpa
MN - Spring name :
https://nameberry.com/list/377/spring-baby-namesDS : FN - Means "Flora":
https://www.behindthename.com/names/tag/floraMN - Means Green :
https://nameberry.com/list/723/names-that-mean-greenDD : FN - After a ballerina :
https://www.behindthename.com/names/tag/ballerinasMN - From this list :
4 NympheasTwin sisters:
Twin1: FN - Means "Rose" :
https://www.behindthename.com/meaning/roseMN - Means "Beautiful" :
https://nameberry.com/list/4/baby-names-that-mean-beautifulTwin2: FN - Means "Lily":
https://www.behindthename.com/meaning/lilyMN - Means "Beautiful" :
5 Flower Beds at VétheuilOne child, gender is up to you:
D(?) : FN - From this list :
https://nameberry.com/popular-names/franceMN - Means "flora" :
6 Spring flowerstwo daughters and one son:
DD1 : FN - ends in ANA :
https://www.behindthename.com/names/tag/ends_in_-anaMN - FN/version of FN from Mother or Grandma
DD2 : FN - Name like Poppy :
https://forum.nameberry.com/t/names-like-poppy/147562/2MN - After a native French flower:
https://www.petalrepublic.com/native-french-flowers/DS1 : FN - Spring name :
https://nameberry.com/list/377/spring-baby-namesMN - Begins with an S
This message was edited 3/10/2025, 11:55 AM