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[Games] Old McDonald had a farm {round 8/11}
Old McDonald had a farm {round 8/11}Previous round: on that farm he had a GOATChild 4's family:Pick a baby goat to do goat yoga with (or take a walk with, if you don't do yoga!):1.

-x-Roll a 10 sided die to find out how many children Child 4 and their partner have. If you don't have one, here's a link to use a virtual one: you have watched a film in the last week, Child 4's children are mostly boys.
If you haven't, Child 4's children are mostly girls.GOAT can mean 'greatest of all time' so these namebanks come from films voted the best of all time in various polls, using the character names, actor and actresses, and their other roles, too. As always, feel free to change nicknames to full names.
Partner's namebank (names from the cast and characters of Citizen Kane):
Agnes Alice Augustus Beatrice Bertha Buddy Charles Clara Daisy Dorothy Eben Edna Emily Ernest Everett Florence Fortunio George Georgia Glenn Grace Hannah Herbert Howard Imogene Ivar Jean Jedidiah Jonas Joseph June Kate Lewis Louise Marian Martha Mary Michael Mildred Orson Paul Philip Phoebe Raymond Susan Sylvia Walter William Zachary
Surname namebank (names from the cast and characters of Citizen Kane ):
Anderson Bernstein Collins Cotten Gettys Kane Leland Matiste Moorehead Norton Rawlston Sanford Sloane Thatcher WarrickChildren's namebank (names from the cast and characters of Serenity):
Adam Adria Alan Alistair Amy Anna Arthur Cadmus Carla Celeste Chiwetel Clark Cosmo Dale Darcy David Diana Dorothy Edward Elena Elias Ellroy Eric Erica Eva Francesca Francine Gillian Gina Glenn Harry Hoban Iago Inara Isobel Janice Jayne Jenna Jewel Joel Julia Kaylee Kurt Laura Lilac Lorena Ludo Luke Magdalena Malcolm Marcella Mark Matthew Maybelle Michael Mingo Morena Natalie Nathan Peter Rafael River Ron Rose Sarah Sean Shepherd Simon Summer Sven Talia Thea Todd Tyra Vanessa Walker Yan Zoe
Partner's namebank (names from the cast and characters of Mulholland Drive):
Adam Angelo Ann Betty Billy Bonnie Brent Camilla Carlo Chad Coco Cornelia Cynthia Dan Diane Eleanor Geno Irene James Jeanne Jimmy Joe Justin Katharine Laura Lee Linney Lori Lorraine Louise Luigi Maria Mark Melissa Meredith Michael Miles Monty Naomi Patrick Ray Rebekah Richard Rita Robert Seamus Seth Vincenzo WallySurname namebank (names from the cast and characters of Mulholland Drive):
Briscoe Castigliane Domgaard Elms Forster Harring Hedaya Kesher Messing Miller Pellegrino Rhodes Selywyn Theroux WattsChildren's namebank (names from the cast and characters of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring):
Andy Angela Anika Aragorn Arwen Bilbo Billy Boromir Brian Brie Cameron Cate Celeborn Celia Clare Craig Crystal David Dominic Elijah Elizabeth Ellen Elrond Eve Everard Faye Figwit Frodo Galadriel Gandalf Gimli Grace Haldir Hela Hugo Ian Irina Isabella Jane John Jørn Lawrence Legolas Liv Lobelia Lori Louise Lucinda Lucy Mabel Magdalena Marian Marton Martyn Maude Megan Meriadoc Michelle Noel Orlando Otho Peregrin Petal Peter Philippa Rebecca Rosie Rúmil Samwise Sara Sean Sylvie Ted Vera Veronica Viggo
Partner's namebank (names from the cast and characters of Titanic):
Alexandrea Amy Archibald Benjamin Bernard Billy Brock Bruce Cal Camilla Charlotte Christiana Cora Cosmo Danny David Edward Elizabeth Elsa Eric Ewan Fabrizio Frances Gloria Helga Ida Ioan Jack Jason John Jonathan Kate Kathy Leonardo Lucy Madeline Margaret Michael Noel Rosalind Rose Ruth Spicer Suzy Thomas Trudy Victor

Surname namebank (names from the cast and characters of ):
Amis Bukater Calvert Dawson De-Rossi DeWitt DiCaprio Fisher Hockley Lovett Nucci Paxton Stuart Winslet ZaneChildren's namebank (names from the cast and characters of 2001: A Space Odyssey ):
Adrian Alan Aldo Alison Andrei Antonia Audrey Brennan Chela Clayton Clothilde Constance Cyril Daniel David Delia Dominic Dorothy Douglas Edwina Eleanor Elena Elena Eli Eliot Ella Emmeline Faline Fatima Fleurette Frank Frieda Gary George Grant Gwendolyn Harriet Harris Heather Heywood Iris Isobel Jonah Jordan Julian Karl Keir Kenneth Leila Leonard Lincoln Louella Maggie Magnus Malcolm Margaret Maynard Monique Morris Muriel Naomi Nora Oenone Oscar Paula Penny Ralph Robert Rosalia Roy Rupert Sean Sybil Thorvald Valerie Vincent Vivian William Winifred Winnie
Partner's namebank (names from the cast and characters of The Rocky Horror Picture Show):
Adele Annabel Anthony Barry Boyd Brad Camillo Charles Chloe Christopher Columbia Damien Eddie Felix Fran Frank Henry Hilary Hugh Imogen Ishaq Ivy Janet Jeremy Kimi Lavinia Lindsay Louise Magenta Melanie Melissa Nell Nora Pamela Patricia Pearl Peggy Perry Peter Richard Rocky Rufus Sadie Stephen Susan Theodore Tim Tony Ursula WolfgangSurname namebank (names from the cast and characters of The Rocky Horror Picture Show):
Adams Bostwick Curry Gray Hinwood Labow Majors Newson O'Brien Quinn Sarandon Scott Weiss White Woolf Children's namebank (names from the cast and characters of Roman Holiday ):
Abraham Alfredo Ambrose Angela Ann Anna Anthony Ariane Atticus Audrey Aurora Austin Bianca Carolina Celia Charles Claudio Clinton Dean Dusty Eddie Eli Eliza Elizabeth Ellen Elliot Elvira Gabrielle Giovanni Giulia Gorella Gregory Greta Hans Harcourt Harlan Hartley Hennessy Holly Horatio Hugh Humphrey Irving Jackson Jane Joanna Joe Josephine Josiah Keith Laura Lewis Lidia Lily Luisa Margaret Marian Mario Matilde Michelina Nicole Olga Ondine Orlando Otto Paola Paolo Paul Rachel Regina Rosa Sabrina Sullivan Theresa Tullio Valentina Virginia Vladimir Wiley Winston
Partner's namebank (names from the voice cast of Toy Story):
Alyson Annie Bernard Bonnie Casey Caspar Clarissa Clark Conrad Cosmo Digby Donald Edith Elias Ellen Erik Everett Felix Gordon Hadley Helene Iona James Jeff Jeremiah John Justin Karla Laurie Lenore Louise Lucille Marianne Marla Mickie Milo Nicholas Olympia Penn Rebecca Rex Sarah Sidney Sophie Sunday Thomas Timothy Vanessa Vivienne WallaceSurname namebank (names from the voice cast of Toy Story):
Allen Ermey Freeman Hanks Jillette McGowan Metcalf Morris Pidgeon Potts Ratzenberger Rickles Shawn Varney von-DettenChildren's namebank (names from the cast and characters of Gone With the Wind):
Agatha Alexandra Alicia Ann Antigone Antoine Arthur Ashley Barbara Belle Bertram Blanche Brent Butterfly Carreen Carroll Cecily Charles Clark Dennis Eddie Ellen Ethan Eve Evelyn Everett Fergus Flint Frank Fraser Fred George Gerald Hamish Hannah Harry Hattie Henriette Hester Hope Howard Ida India Jane Jared John Jonah Jonas Jules Juliet Laura Leona Leslie Luke Marguerite Martha Melanie Minerva Noah Oberon Olivia Ona Ophelia Oscar Peter Polly Rand Rhett Rosetta Sabina Sam Scarlett Septimus Serena Stuart Suellen Thomas Titania Victor Vivien* trawling through name indexes and making lists of the interesting

This message was edited 3/10/2025, 4:04 PM

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Old McDonald had a farm {round 8/11}  ·  Viatrix  ·  3/10/2025, 4:04 PM
Re: Old McDonald had a farm {round 8/11}  ·  Magnus  ·  yesterday, 5:27 PM
Re: Old McDonald had a farm {round 8/11}  ·  starletinwaiting  ·  yesterday, 10:03 AM
Re: Old McDonald had a farm {round 8/11}  ·  Emily Amy  ·  3/12/2025, 11:34 PM
Re: Old McDonald had a farm {round 8/11}  ·  Jessamine  ·  3/12/2025, 1:41 PM
Re: Old McDonald had a farm {round 8/11}  ·  Istas  ·  3/11/2025, 6:06 PM
Re: Old McDonald had a farm {round 8/11}  ·  Uilos  ·  3/11/2025, 9:10 AM
Re: Old McDonald had a farm {round 8/11}  ·  LadyBug18  ·  3/10/2025, 7:21 PM
Re: Old McDonald had a farm {round 8/11}  ·  WillowBelle  ·  3/10/2025, 7:14 PM
Re: Old McDonald had a farm {round 8/11}  ·  Kaesy  ·  3/10/2025, 6:43 PM
Re: Old McDonald had a farm {round 8/11}  ·  Wordsmith  ·  3/10/2025, 4:39 PM