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[Opinions] Re: Mary Emma / Mariemma
I don't like Mary Emma, but Mary Emily or Emily Mary are okay.
Mary and Emma are just not go together well in my head- they feel like different flavour of name. Mary is old, but still good, and Emma is modern (at least this is how I see this). Emily is more of all time name, at least it's many decades. Mariemma looks bad. Maryemma looks better, or Mariema, Maryema. I think of these Mariema looks best- but it may be confused as elaborated Mariam.


Emma is actually old like Mary too. It’s never left the US top 1000, and it was ranked #2 in the 1880s (possibly earlier too but we don’t have that data).

This message was edited yesterday, 12:19 PM

Emma was also in use in the Middle Ages. Its use in English is older than Emily's use.