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[Opinions] Stereotypical male names used as feminine names
Opinions on stereotypical male names used as feminine names, and vice versa, my current favorites are Jasper And Cameron. What's yours Xx


I used to be obsessed with the idea of Vincent as a girl’s name. I got in quite a few heated arguments around it on here in 2020. Nowadays, I’m more lukewarm on it, but I still think it’s an interesting option. I love Hollis, Jasper or Casper, Elliot, Ezra, Christian, and I also enjoy nicknames ones: Mikey, Mickey, Eddie, Theo, Al, Andy.I generally prefer unisex names that are more commonly feminine on boys, like Morgan, Casey, Rowan, Angel, Avery, Addison, Izzy, Jade, Cass.

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love!!! I love guy names on girls, but not the other way around.
i've had a male name all my life, and i've never had any problems, i love it. i'm not the girliest girl, nor am i a tomboy, but my name still suits me perfectly.
my mom has a male name, so did my great-aunt. I think having a male name leads to a lot of great advantages in life, especially with resumes and stuff ("I thought you were a guy!") also a lot of people find it pretty cute haha.
10/10 would recommend. to top it off, my middle name is gender-neutral ;)
I enjoy these male names on girls (in theory if not in practice):Mike
Levi (I've been watching a show where this is the name given to a character with no gender, but the voice is very feminine, so now Levi feels feminine to me)
Nolan (could be the next Logan, I don't see why not)
Christian (this wasn't always a male name but it seems very male nowadays so it counts)
Willem and WillisVice Versa:Siena
Jade (saw this on From, and now I love it)
Raquel, Rahel, or Rakel
Paige or Page
Lauren and Laurel
How Sloane ever got to be considered feminine in the first place is a complete mystery to me..Laurel always felt masculine to me as well because when I was younger I used to think Laurel and Hardy were their first names. Jade is a very good one!Levi is very feminine in vibe to me. In Dutch it's LAY-vee which makes it sound even more feminine
I don't like it and mainly because the "vice versa" part barely ever happens. It just sends the message that it's okay for girls to boyish but not ok for boys to be girlish.I don't really have an issue with unisex names though. If I had to choose favs I'd go with:Amber, Jane and Lotus for boys
Loris, Joris and Ezra for girls
I hate them.
I've lately been liking Linus, Davey, and Valentine as girls' names. Jasper is also a really good one.
Valentine is already a girls name thoughI can see Jasper being unisex bc of the gemstone thing.
Traditionally Valentine is a masculine name, unless you're talking about the french variant? It's not a popular female name in English-speaking countries.