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[Opinions] Re: Stereotypical male names used as feminine names
I used to be obsessed with the idea of Vincent as a girl’s name. I got in quite a few heated arguments around it on here in 2020. Nowadays, I’m more lukewarm on it, but I still think it’s an interesting option. I love Hollis, Jasper or Casper, Elliot, Ezra, Christian, and I also enjoy nicknames ones: Mikey, Mickey, Eddie, Theo, Al, Andy.I generally prefer unisex names that are more commonly feminine on boys, like Morgan, Casey, Rowan, Angel, Avery, Addison, Izzy, Jade, Cass.

This message was edited yesterday, 9:01 PM


My cat's a female Vincent (although we call her Vinnie mostly). It really works for her.
that's so cute!!