Thanks for the information!
I can't confirm it though. I have checked the "Even/Shoshan", a three volume Hebrew-Hebrew dictionary that covers not only modern but also biblical Hebrew, the rabbinic tradition and literature - no "messenger" as far as I can see. The second translation given in the book you quote indicates that the name is written with an Aleph in the beginning: "ereh el" may be contracted to EREL. "I will see God" does not fit into traditional Hebrew name giving practice though.
There is no entry EREL with an Aleph (Aleph-Resh-Lamed) at all in the dictionary mentioned above. With an Ayin in the beginning there is "arel" which means "not circumcised" …
Maybe "erel" is a loan word, I don't know.
How reliable is the name book by Sidi? What does it say about
Jacob and