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[Facts] Origin and Meaning of Name
Would anyone know the Meaning or Origin of my Name ( Vedna )
Female name and i know nothing about it Thanks
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I would need to see the name written in an Indian language: if it is
वेदना in Devnagari script, for example, it is related to the root vid, ultimately cognate with the German wissen, and meaning knowledge, thought it very early on also developed the meaning to find. vedana therefore has two meanings: the first is proclamation, perception, or feeling (from to know), but in the feminine, it usually specializes to the meaning pain; and the second means finding, wedding, or goods (from to find), again not usually in the feminine. The main problem, of course, is that this is not the only word which can be pronounced as vedna, especially in languages like Gujrati. So, more information on the language you speak (or where your name came from), or it written in some Indian Script would definitely help.
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That name has already been discussed here: here: Ivayla,
skillfully disguised as a responsible adult
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