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[Games] Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)
in reply to a message by Mar
username: Rosethorn08
LN: Zimmerman
DW: Sophia Anne
DH: Christopher Grady "Christy"
DS: Kristopher Anne "Fire"
DD: Juliet Avalon "Julie"
DS: Ian Patrick
AD: Adriana Marie "Ari"
DS/DS: Andreas Landon "Andre" / Damian Romeo "Ian"
Dbaby dragon: Frosty Cloud (if I can use two names, if not just Frosty)The kids all decided it would be funny to name our new baby dragon Frosty Cloud, though that maybe more accurate then not as he has not yet shown any signs of fire breathing.... ;)I wish to adopt twins/triplets (preferably a boy and a girl) from Spain or Ireland.

This message was edited 8/15/2006, 6:18 PM

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