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[Games] Mar's Congrats Game (5)
Welcome to round 5 of my congrats game (there will be no late sign-ups). Please read the rules and what to do for next round too! I determined by the flip of a coin what (singe child, twin, triplet or quad) you got, depending on what your answer was last round. Then I determined the sex of the child(ren) using the same method. If you gave more than one species of animal that you’d liked to have as pets, I just chose what I liked best. Naming rules:Children: At the bottom there are namebanks for the first names of the children. Their middle name is rule free this round. Pets: For each pet I gave a namebank with 10 possible names, choose one of those names for it. For next round: Make a wish! You can ask for one thing you’d really like for next round.
You can ask for an additional pet, for a son/daughter, for multiples, for a certain naming rule (that will exclude you from the naming rules of that round) , for an adoption, for a remarriage, for a name change or anything else you can think of. Also: please leave the hyperlink-box unchecked, that makes it easier for me to copy and paste. (I have to remove each hyperlink manually when I copy and paste, otherwise the program slows down because of the amount of hyperlinks, and each time I accidently click a name it opens another BtN screen, which gets slightly annoying after five times…)Here are the families:username: Array
LN: Westfall
DH: Nathaniel Herman "Nat"
DW: Lauren Noa
DD: Laura Hermine "Laurie"
DD: Lydia Lorraine "Lyddie"
DD: Maude Ellen "Maudie"
DD: Maria Estelle "Mamie"
Dyellow tabby cat: Amarillo, Lucienne, Ramses, Thumbeline, Kit, Blue, Bobo, Miko, Cleopatra, Arkusername: Bex
LN: Byrne
DW: Rebecca Simone
DH: Christopher Henry "Kit”
DD: Harriet Simone "Harry"
DD: Matilda Lillian "Tilly"
DS: Charles Henry "Charlie"
AD: Annabel Flora "Bella"
Dmonkey: Jumper, Riley, Zinnia, Lime, Sabas, Rodney, Shrek, Bubba, Quinty, Gillianusername: Caroline Mae
LN: Montaga
DH: Salvatore Rainier "Tori"
DW: Samantha Coleen
DD: Salvatrice Cailin "Sally"
DS: Micah Gideon
DD: Marguerite Louise "Marta"
AD: Gladys Lucine
Drescued loveable mutt: Hanky, Viva, Rumer, Lola, Chesterfield, Milton, Forager, Rackoon, Hamilton, Maxusername: Cera
LN: Sarlene-Haze
DW: Emily Carys
DH: Jakob Orion
DS: James Carwyn
DS: Leo Benjamin
DS: Spencer Frank
DS/DS: Christopher Westley "Topher" / Evander Nathaniel "Evan"
Dcat: Spin, Hoover, Fred, Camille, Mrs. Brown, Damon, London, Ruby-Jane, Steffen, Lexusername: Daddysdancer
LN: Seabrooke
DW: Chelsea Laura
DH: Moses William
DS: William Laurence
DD: Aderyn Lavender
DS: David Joseph
DD/DS: Keeley Alexandra and Keegan Alexander
Dzebra: Roxie, Damian, Phoebe, Zimri, Felix, Zebedee, Dag, Antigone, Haven, Obediahusername: DLB
LN: Phillips
DW: Jenna Elizabeth
DH: Seamus Malachy
DS: Malachi Elliott
DD: Amaryllis Edith
DS: Ezekial Avram
DD: Anna Elizabeth
Dgoat: Grazzy, Jazz, Louis, Roy, Meh-Lina, Sissy, Heath, Chumpy, Harriet, Cloverusername: Echo
LN: Chance
DW: Avery Marie
DH: Matthew Edward
DD: Maribel Matilda
DD: Rosalie Eleanor
DS: Andrew Karl
DS/DS: Sergio Maximillian / Eugene Andrew "Gene"
Dturtle: Geronimo, Harvey, Clay, Greenlee, Alfa, Neo, Rembrandt, Kopper, Zidane, Momokousername: Elle
LN: Abercombie-CurtisDW: Antonia Summer
DH: Avery Jack CurtisDD: Ava Summer
DS: Sebastian James
DD: Korin Sayuri
ADD/ADD: Rheanna Violet / Rosalie Victoria
Ddog: Smoothie, Rumble, Tanya, Clem, Will, Poltergeist, Ginger, Kofi, Dash, Wolfgangusername: ellie321
LN: Gregs
DW: Elisabeth Mae
DH: Forrest Michael
DD: Eliza Foster
DD: Juliet Rosemary
DD: Allie Veronica
DD: Lara Noor Aliyah
Dcat: Furble, Sphinx, Sentinal, Josephine, Rory, Nala, Junio, Maggie, Antonio, Heraldusername: estel
LN: Hill
DW: Rebekah Leilani
DH: Nathaniel John
DS: John Florian "Jack"
DD: Claire Madeline
DS: Edmund Vardan
AS: Godfried Arie "Arie"
Dhorse: Vedette, Stormy, Red, Claude, Mike, Thorn, Gretl, Cillian, Bob, Roxanneusername: Jenni
LN: Foster
DW: Jennifer Brielle
DH: Kyle Evander
DS: Kyan Brody
DS: Finn Lucas
DS: Hamilton Grover
AS: Cezar Konrad
Dmonkey: Dingo, Walter, Ross, Betty, Blimey, Hudson, Eustacia, Tumbler, Chuckles, Danteusername: JHK
LN: Kensington
DW: Juliet Miranda
DH: William Alexander
DD: Alexis Julianne
DS: Tristan Nikolai
DS: Charles Winston
AD: Angelina Lucie "Lina"
Dcat: Snoozy, Nelly, Cribs, Fatima, Simba, Gwennie, Lord Lloyd, Sem, Clothilda, Wyattusername: Keepskuh
LN: Folds
DH: Henry James
DW: Fiona Elise Lunsford
DS: Finnegan James
DD: Lindsey Sophie
DS: William Alex "Billy"
ADD/ADD: Lillian Rain "Lily" / Letitia Anne "Annie"
Ddog: Boo, Tombo, Karel, Layla, Grumpy, Frizzy, Hector, Bree, Shady, Kimballusername: Kristen
LN: Monroe
DW: Julia Catherine
DH: Craig Allan
DD: June Alexandra
DD: Monica Delaney
DD: Allison Ramona
AD: Brianna Carrie
Dsnake: Hose, Gitter, Slade, Wendy, Homer, Monty, Pocahontas, Daisy, Sirius, Rhodesusername: laurea
LN: Bowles
DH: Reginald Orson "Rex"
DW: Ramona Estelle
DS: Stellan Ronald
DD: Margaret Catherine "Midge"
DS: Raleigh Franklin
DD/DS: Sofia Viola / Xavier Rafael
Dcat: Mr Jumble, Rafferty, Spy, Helena, Rosie, Giles, Daffy, Bubble, Achilles, Tomboyusername: lulu
LN: Fowler
DW: Simone Antonia (31)
DH: Ashley Leopold (33)DD: Asha Fleur (8)
DD: Felicity Ada (5)
DD: Jane Georgiana (2)
DD: Lani Kalliope (3 mos.)
Ddonkey: Mushi, Eddie, Just Donkey, Gravel, Damascus, Hermione, Firenze, Grayson, Carlos, Ebonyusername: Maegan
LN: Smith
DW: Rebecca Anne
DH: Caleb Ryan
DS: Ryan Isaac
DD: Anna Sophia
DS: Westley Tyrone
ADS/ADS: Ian Bela Fabian / Isaac Emil Zoltan
Delephant: Charlemagne, Bilbo, Mouse, Peter, Ray, Mathilda, Stumble, Drum-Drum, Kiki, Louisianausername: Natla’d
LN: Jolson-Bishop
DH: Alister Marco
DW: Luna Bell
DS: Aleksandr Rakesh "Leks"
DS: Montgomery Fredric Theodore "Monty"
DS: Eric Niles
DD/DD: Felicia Jola "Fliss" / Csilla Ilona "Chilli"
Dvietnamese pot-bellied piglet: Chunky, Julia, Crimson, Davey, Montague, Grant, Muddy, Dawg, Parker, Portiausername: Rachel
LN: Sims
DW: Imogen Amity
DH: William Owen "Will"
DS: Amit Tyrone
DD: Clemintine Idony
DS: Leonardo Moses
AS/AS: Gabriel Victor / Mitchel Damien
Dgiraffe: Chimney, Petit, Glenn, Willow, Tree-Top, Swithin, Ceasar, Rosalie, Jules, Tim-Buck-Twousername: Rosethorn08
LN: Zimmerman
DW: Sophia Anne
DH: Christopher Grady "Christy"
DS: Kristopher Anne "Fire"
DD: Juliet Avalon "Julie"
DS: Ian Patrick
AD: Adriana Marie "Ari"
Dbaby dragon :P : Olivier, Ferron, Guinevere, Jason, Cloud, Frosty, Dragan, Comet, Breeze, Matchusername: Samantha
LN: Oceania
DW: Claree Monique
DH: Dane Garrett
DS: Garrett Clark
DD: Adrienne Nicole
DS: Verdell Spencer
AS: Thierry Maxim
Dmeerkat: Robber, Whit, Sticktail, Charmer, Holden, Elena, Kitty,Gad, Fanta, Bartholomew username: Silvie
LN: Williams
DW: Anne Sylvia
DH: Joseph Michael Duggan "Joe"
DD: Sylvie Josephine
DD: Hazel Sigrid
DS: Keyser David
DS: Eric Wilhelm
Dcat: Pharrell, Snoozy, Wim, Chuck, Halle, Mortimer, Justin, Blast, Midget, Bronteusername: swimmer
LN: Cahill-King
DW: Scarlett Marie
DH: James Alexander Cahill
DS: Alexander Mark
DS: Seamus Owen
DD: Elizabeth Charlotte
DD/DD: Madeline Rose / Claire Seraphina
Dduck: Keiko, Timmy, Mulan, Mr. Persident, Wobble, Morgan, Wednesday, Snow, Gabriel, Hannahusername: tor:
LN: Wright
DW: Gillian Philadelphia
DH: Wilson Michael
DS: Julen Mitxel
DD: Nora Gwendolen
DD: Veronica Kitty "Vera"
DD/DD: Alexandrine Fleur / Eulalie Fiona
Dchihuahua: Wilfred, Samson, Brawler, Denise, Snappy, Fifi, Raiden, Joker, Tai, MunsterNamebanks:
Boys FN:
Andreas, Boaz, Connor, Damian, Ezra, Ferron, Govannon, Heath, Iggy, Jago, Kellen, Landon, Maxen, Noach, Oscar, Parris, Quinn, Romeo, Thorsten, Shae, Urban, Vangalis, Woodrow, Xavier, Yoram, ZorionGirls FN:
Arwen, Bronwen, Carys, Delilah, Elze, Faye, Gwen, Hermione, Isa, Juliet, Kalliope, Leilani, Morgaine, Nimue, Ophelia, Phoebe, Quirina, Rowena, Tamsin, Sayuri, Uma, Vianne, Willow, Xanthe, Yelena, Zinnia
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Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Mar  ·  8/15/2006, 6:10 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Echo  ·  8/16/2006, 11:05 AM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  swimmer  ·  8/16/2006, 8:39 AM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  estel  ·  8/16/2006, 8:17 AM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  ellie321  ·  8/16/2006, 7:15 AM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5) + question  ·  Natla'd  ·  8/16/2006, 4:46 AM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5) + question  ·  Mar  ·  8/16/2006, 8:15 AM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  DLB  ·  8/16/2006, 3:58 AM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  JHK  ·  8/16/2006, 2:43 AM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5) + note  ·  Keepskuh  ·  8/16/2006, 1:04 AM
Yes ages are ok (m)  ·  Mar  ·  8/16/2006, 8:16 AM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Daddysdancer  ·  8/15/2006, 10:21 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Maegen  ·  8/15/2006, 10:08 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Jenni  ·  8/15/2006, 8:50 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Array  ·  8/15/2006, 8:41 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Caroline Mae  ·  8/15/2006, 8:20 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Bex  ·  8/15/2006, 7:52 PM
Thanks! *glows with pride*  ·  Mar  ·  8/15/2006, 7:59 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Kristen  ·  8/15/2006, 7:47 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Silvie  ·  8/15/2006, 7:15 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  tor  ·  8/15/2006, 6:53 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Elle  ·  8/15/2006, 6:48 PM
Make a wish?  ·  Mar  ·  8/15/2006, 6:57 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Samantha  ·  8/15/2006, 6:27 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  laurea  ·  8/15/2006, 6:25 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Cera  ·  8/15/2006, 6:24 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Rachel  ·  8/15/2006, 6:22 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  Rose  ·  8/15/2006, 6:16 PM
Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)  ·  lulu  ·  8/15/2006, 6:15 PM
Oh wait, the wish.  ·  lulu  ·  8/15/2006, 6:15 PM