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[Games] Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5) + question
in reply to a message by Mar
What are the rules on spelling changes? Are they allowed? If so, I want to eliminate one of the R's from Parris' name.
(I'll be willing to adopt the unwanted 'R' as a PP ;-))username: Natla’dLN: Jolson-BishopDH: Alister Marco
DW: Luna BellDS: Aleksandr Rakesh "Leks"
DS: Montgomery Fredric Theodore "Monty"
DS: Eric Niles
DD/DD: Felicia Jola "Fliss" / Csilla Ilona "Chilli"
DS/DS: Parris Leopold / Damian SalvadorDvietnamese pot-bellied piglet: ChunkyMy wish: That Leks can settle down and start a family.

"You've become quite a stud."
"'re the most stylin' girl in the world."
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That's actually more of a 'make-a-wish-thing', but if you see that he get's a name and a new home amongst your PPs, I can't see a problem with it :DPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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