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[Games] Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)
in reply to a message by Mar
username: Array
LN: Westfall
DH: Nathaniel Herman "Nat"
DW: Lauren Noa
DD: Laura Hermine "Laurie"
DD: Lydia Lorraine "Lyddie"
DD: Maude Ellen "Maudie"
DD: Maria Estelle "Mamie"
DS/DD: Oscar Ezra "Ossie," Ophelia Faye "Ophie"
Dyellow tabby cat: KitNat, Lauren, Laurie, Lyddie, Maudie, Mamie, Ossie, and Ophie Westfall, and Kit the catOne wish: I wish that I don't get a boy.Array

"That was the thing about aliens that no one ever really expected. They're a bit dull."A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.

This message was edited 8/15/2006, 8:41 PM

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