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[Games] Re: Mar's Congrats Game (5)
in reply to a message by Mar
username: Bex
LN: Byrne
DW: Rebecca Simone
DH: Christopher Henry "Kit”
DD: Harriet Simone "Harry"
DD: Matilda Lillian "Tilly"
DS: Charles Henry "Charlie"
AD: Annabel Flora "Bella"
DD/DD/DD/DS: Hermione Evelyn / Rowena Scarlett / Juliet Minerva / Paris Xavier "Hermy, Rowie, Jules and Paris"
Dmonkey: LimeMy wish: More boys! So maybe male twins or triplets next round!
BTW: I REALLY Love this game, I think yours is the best ive done!
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Thanks! *glows with pride*I love hosting this game. I like making up new rules and try to combine as much things as I can. I'm looking foreward to see everyone's reply the whole time!Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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