If you haven't played the previous rounds, you can go back and do the ones you missed. Just skip Part III in those rounds.
Previous rounds:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=628489&board=gameRound 1:
Part I: Get your child(ren)
Which category did you pick in the last round?Biblical... You have a BOY
Mythology... You have a GIRL
Astronomy... You have a BOY
I didn't do the last round... You have a GIRL
Part II: Name your child(ren)
Boys' name bank:
Adam, Adonis, Altair, Andrew, Arimon, Ariel, Beowulf, Cian, Deneb, Eros, Ishmael, Jerusha, Joel, Josias, Jude, Leander, Malachi, Mattan, Merlin, Midas, Obadiah, Omri, Pan, Poseidon, Sirius, Thomas, Thor, Tobias, Zachariah, Zedekiah, Zephyr
Girls' name bank:
Abigail, Andromeda, Angerona, Arachne, Arista, Asherah, Athena, Bellatrix, Eden, Elisabeth, Isolde, Jemima, Keturah, Lydia, Lyra, Magdalene, Minerva, Melusine, Miriam, Morana, Muirgen, Nimue, Persis, Rachel, Rebecca, Salacia, Sarah, Solomon, Syrinx, Zipporah
Part III: New name bank
Pick two names (one male and one female) that are also nouns. They don't have to be in English and can be common names (e.g., Rose) or nouns that aren't usually used as names (e.g., Apple).
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling