[Opinions] Loki
Loki, as a fn, mn or nn: Do you think it is a bad namesake?
You can click on the name to find the meaning that this site gives, but I also think of the character in Dogma. Does anyone else think of this when they hear the name?
You can click on the name to find the meaning that this site gives, but I also think of the character in Dogma. Does anyone else think of this when they hear the name?
Bad namesake, imo. Also makes me think of the word "loco". :-/ Worst of all, though, being a nurse, it makes me think of the word "lochia" (LOE-kee-ah). Ewww.
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace" - Jimi Hendrix
I like it as mn, and I do think of the character in Dogma. But that doesn't make it a good namesake, imo.
I think the namesake is so intresting it doesn't matter, its like the name itself tells a story!
I don't think of an evil person when i hear this name, I just think of spirited person.
I think the namesake is so intresting it doesn't matter, its like the name itself tells a story!
I don't think of an evil person when i hear this name, I just think of spirited person.
I think of....
Locusts (sp?), and thats not a good thing to think of. I guess it would be an ok nn for a young child.

Locusts (sp?), and thats not a good thing to think of. I guess it would be an ok nn for a young child.

I don't think it's a bad namesake so much as I think it's kind of a juvenile one. I'm not big on using names whose connotations are almost exclusive to mythology; it reminds me of adolescent fantasy naming styles, kind of like how young girls think that the most beautiful name ever is a ton of long, frilly ones all strung together. It's definitely not how I like to name.


From my online d&d days I associate this with the God of mischief. He was a thief as I remember when I played Forgotten Realms - Toril.
Sounds cute...for a dog great, person, not so much.
Sounds cute...for a dog great, person, not so much.
It's too out there for me. But moreover, the god is a less-than-desirable namesake--being a murderer and all, among other crimes.
Loki would be a little more tolerable in the middle name slot for me.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
Loki would be a little more tolerable in the middle name slot for me.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
Love it!
I think its a great name, and I think a young boy/teenager would love the association of being a trickster etc. !

Snape, Sexy and Dangerous!
I think its a great name, and I think a young boy/teenager would love the association of being a trickster etc. !

Snape, Sexy and Dangerous!
This message was edited 8/31/2006, 11:47 PM
I think of the Giant
And I think it's not a good name.
And I think it's not a good name.
I think it would be a cute nm but not a fn