This is the name of a young local girl who was pictured in some brief story that's going to be run in the paper I work for next week. (The original draft of the story had misspelt the name as Summmyrrh, but then had "ok" written over the two-M version.) I'm assuming it's supposed to be
Summer, but it looks absolutely awful! I've seen a few other names in the course of my proofreading duties that have had "ok" marked over them after someone else checked the original copies (like
Kaitlin and Haylea), but those names are at least intelligible and won't give their owners a headache when they're learning to spell!
“The caveman method I abhor, and I do not believe that it is ever successful with the women who is worth having. Who could desire a woman taken by force? Who would gain any pleasure from loving or caressing a woman who did not give in return?"