[Games] OT...
in reply to a message by Julianne
You have very tall kids, considering you are only 5'3" yourself, and Kevin is only 5'11". Eight year olds are not usually 5'0", they are more likely 4'. And your six year olds are about 4'4". Most 10 year olds are that height. Some 13 year olds I knoe arent even 4'4".
Did the tall gene skip you?
This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Did the tall gene skip you?
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
4'4" isn't that weird for 6 year olds! It may not be the most common height, but it's not uncommon either!
I come from a short family, but my husband's family is pretty tall-- he's one of the shortest. The triplets were adopted, their mom is about 6'0. They are also all rather largely built kids, anyway. Matt would look squat if he were any shorter.
And also, what person who actually has TEN children would have time to post on this board? :b