[Facts] Re: Mireio - pr?
You can check the correct Occitan pronunciation of Mirèio at:
http://prenoms.occitans.free.fr/The name is listed as Mirelha and Mirèia (the pronunciation is more or less the same), because it is the standard Occitan spelling. The spelling Mirèio (Mistralian spelling), in Mistral's roman, was, in fact, a Frenchisied spelling forced by Josèp Romanilha, Mistral's publisher.
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Mireio - pr?  ·  Caprice  ·  11/5/2006, 4:25 AM
Re: Mireio - pr?  ·  Lumia  ·  11/5/2006, 7:19 AM
Moltes gràcies! n/t  ·  Caprice  ·  11/5/2006, 11:29 AM