[Facts] Re: where is my name originaly from
by Andy (guest)
10/4/2004, 5:19 AM
I couldn't find LANDRY as a given name, but I can imagine you had to suffer a lot from being teased as "laundry".
But after all this does not have to be wrong. According th the Oxford Dictionary of Surnames there is:
Landray, Landrey, Landry, Laundry
Landri, Landric(us) 1086 (Derbyshire)
Wilhelmus filius Landrei 1219 (Lincolnshire)
Gerard Landri 1198 (Devonshire)
Old French "Landry", Old German "Landric(us)" (land-ruler)
Ricardus de la Lavandaria 1219 (Somerset)
Robert de la Lauendrie 1278
"worker in a wash-house", Middle English "lavendrie"
Now to ISAAC:
The Hebrew name is Yitskhak with a CH-sound like in Loch Ness.
It means “he laughs” or rather “he smiles” i.e. he (God) looks at the child with a merciful smile.
Andy ;—)