[Facts] Meaning and pronunciation of Almitra
Hi, can someone tell me the meaning and correct pronunciation of the name Almitra?
PS: What I know about this name is that this is of Parsi origin and is the name of the seeress in "The Prophet".
PS: What I know about this name is that this is of Parsi origin and is the name of the seeress in "The Prophet".
Mitra means "(he) that binds", but is also the name of an Indo-Aryan divinity. Originally the god of contracts and oaths, an important position in early Indo-European cosmology, he is later identified as a god of dawn, the (morning) sun, and friendship. Your sources seem to have applied the later attributes as meanings, far from the same thing.
I do not have the correct reference available to me. But I can give you my opinion. It looks to be pronounced (al-mee-tra). Hopefully I was of some help :)