[Facts] Hey Zelda, isn't Challey an ethnic variation of Kylie? n/t
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What does my wife's name mean?  ·  .  ·  7/10/2001, 8:45 PM
Charly...  ·  Pavlos  ·  7/11/2001, 3:34 AM
Anagrams of "Challey-Marlee's wife Chyral"  ·  Pavlos  ·  7/11/2001, 3:08 AM
I'm not,....  ·  .  ·  7/11/2001, 8:30 AM
Yeah, right....  ·  Pavlos  ·  7/11/2001, 10:41 AM
I don't think you're talking to me, THEY'RE MY FRIENDS!!!!  ·  .??  ·  7/11/2001, 11:24 AM
I've known cabbages with a higher IQ than yours  ·  Pavlos  ·  7/12/2001, 2:35 AM
It means Challey. n/t  ·  Zelda  ·  7/10/2001, 8:54 PM
Challey Minogue = I ugly chameleon n/t  ·  Pavlos  ·  7/11/2001, 2:12 AM
Hahahaha!!!!!!!!! n/t  ·  Andrea  ·  7/10/2001, 8:57 PM
Hey Zelda, isn't Challey an ethnic variation of Kylie? n/t  ·  Andrea  ·  7/10/2001, 8:59 PM
Yes, I think you're right! (more)  ·  Zelda  ·  7/10/2001, 9:02 PM