[Surname] Re: Jason Varitek
by Menke (guest)
10/7/2004, 2:56 AM
well, Vachousek is a form of Vacek (like Janousek and Janek) and Vacek is from the firstname Venceslaus.
Jelinek means 'stag' (the bird) and this is to be seen as a nickname.
Varitek, i'm not sure about, but i used an online dictionary and some sites and found out it has something to do with cooking; the first component probably means 'to boil' or 'boiler' (found some sites about cooking and var is 'boiling point'). And i found out that the Samovar have their name from samo + varit, meaning 'the same' + 'to boil'. i'm not sure where the Samovar are from (i thought Russia, Siberia). though, samo means 'alone, self-' in Czech language, but one of the translations of the English the same was ten samy' . I guess Varitek means 'boiler' or at least it refers to a profession related to cooking.