James (
Jim) and
Jennifer Potter are pregnant with their first child. They are not sure if it is a boy or girl. They like classic names and are not fond of nicknames. They also do not want the first name to start with J.
Oscar Williamg
May Elizabeth
Michael (
Mike) and
Lisa Pavlock are expecting their third boy. Their other sons are named
Colin Michael and
Taylor Jonathan.
b Danial
Anthony (
Tony) and
Amanda Desternic are having their second child. They are not sure if it is a boy or a girl. They have a son named
Kevin Robert.
Travis Anthonyg
Rachel Amanda
Timothy (
Tim) and
Anna Janialek are having their second child. They are not sure if it is a boy or a girl. They have a daughter named
Colette Gabrielle. The baby is due
Christmas morning.
Nicholas Timothyg
Hollie Anna
Kevin and
Tiffany Sorenson are expecting their first child. They are having a girl, and like trendy modern names as well as 80's names
Madison Amber