Acteon: More common form: Aktaios (m), dweller of a shore or coast (from Greek Akte, shore)
Acantha (f), Greek for thorn, prickle.
Adonia (f), Female version of
Adonis .
Agathon (m), Male version of
Agatha .
Amalthea (f), Amaltheia was the goat which nursed
Zeus . From her horn flowed whatever its possessor wished, hence "keras Amaltheias", "horn of plenty." (My favorite french expression: Il lui donna la corne de l'abondance, et elle lui donna l'abondance des cornes!" -- loses a bit in the translation hehe)
Arachne (f), Greek for Spider. For more on Arachne, see (f), Diminutive of Arete, Greek for "virtue"