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[Facts] hey i need a favor
Hey I emailed the webmaster of this website a long time ago and he never posted my name, so could someone email him because I think it might be something wrong with my email. Okay, here's the info.Name: Stancel
Origin: Old English, Anglo-Saxon
Gender: Male
Meaning: "stone chamber"
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I've sent him my name to, still not here,. and all you need is a dictionary to prove the meaning,..
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See my post . . .. . . and quit grumbling, Mike doesn't get paid for this.
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Anyway...Not denying what has been said I would add a possible explanation for him:
Stein = Stone
Cel = Chamber
Is that what you've got Stancel Spencer?
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I think Mike C knows enough about Old English to get that bit :-) stan is clearly stone and cel could well be from the Old English cell, coming from the Latin cella meaning "chamber". However, I can't prove that etymology, and there could be other explanations for the -cel ending.:-)
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Indeed... I agree.
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Mike C has spoken about this problem before . . .Names are being submitted to this site constantly, and it takes a long time to sort through it all and add just the names which are referenced, never mind any others. Apparently he still has names sent to him a year ago which he hasn't dealt with yet. You'll just have to be patient!
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reason that your name wasn't posted...You haven't supported your information with any sources. (And if/when you do... the source needs to be credible and accurate.) Also, Mike C. has a life, sometimes it takes a while for names to get posted on the board.
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