[Opinions] Re: Ealasaid
I understand your liking the name-I've got a liking for Scots names too-but I think you'd be handing a child a life time of "How do you pronounce that?Oh, Really??" unless she actually lives in a Gaelic -speaking community. (possible, of course.)
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Ealasaid  ·  Lauren B  ·  8/20/2005, 6:10 AM
Re: Ealasaid  ·  Tassiegirl  ·  8/20/2005, 7:50 PM
Re: Ealasaid  ·  Isla  ·  8/20/2005, 11:51 AM
Re: Ealasaid  ·  mizzchable  ·  8/20/2005, 6:32 AM