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[Opinions] Re: Hey
ray = ray *shrugs*I can see rye for Sariah, but I don't get it for Soraya or Saraya. But maybe thats just me.Alot of people here prn. my name as -rye too. Naima, Line and Anissa's dad STILL does it, after 7 months. I can't stand the -rye prn.
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Perhaps if the y were replaced w/ an i...Then it would at least be clear that it's a vowel sound, though whether it's 1 vowel sound or the other could still be up in the air.
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It all depends on whether people treat the y as a vowel or a consonant... While y acts like a vowel in SOME languages, in others, it's only a consonant and there are many languages for which a is ALWAYS ah and NEVER ai/ay like in ate, so when it's a language one's not familiar with, one doesn't assume that a-y-vowel will be ay-vowel... it could be a-ya or a-yo... etc... so it's a REALLY easy mistake.

This message was edited 8/31/2011, 6:07 PM

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