[Opinions] Re: WDYT of these names from ASOIAF/GOT?
Of those, Asha is the only one I think is really appealing.The rest are meh, ok fantasy names and usable because they're readable.
Except Missandei which I think is bad.- mirfak
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WDYT of these names from ASOIAF/GOT?  ·  Impala1729  ·  11/9/2022, 3:35 AM
Re: WDYT of these names from ASOIAF/GOT?  ·  PurplePlatypusBear  ·  11/9/2022, 1:34 PM
Re: WDYT of these names from ASOIAF/GOT?  ·  Angrboða  ·  11/9/2022, 12:06 PM
Re: WDYT of these names from ASOIAF/GOT?  ·  mirfak  ·  11/9/2022, 9:40 AM
Re: WDYT of these names from ASOIAF/GOT?  ·  erb816  ·  11/9/2022, 8:16 AM
Re: WDYT of these names from ASOIAF/GOT?  ·  Nix  ·  11/9/2022, 5:58 AM
Re: WDYT of these names from ASOIAF/GOT?  ·  Manipura  ·  11/9/2022, 5:34 AM
Re: WDYT of these names from ASOIAF/GOT?  ·  Kerilyntaryn21  ·  11/9/2022, 3:55 AM