[Opinions] Re: Iliana
in reply to a message by Siri
Oh, I met the most adorable little Iliana in Mexico! It brings back very sweet memories for me.I love it!Iliana Rose is little boring for me since Rose is my mn, but Margaret Iliana has class.This may be how you're pronouncing it, but I don't think so. In Mexico it is pronounced EE-LEE-ah-nah. those first two syllables get about the same accent. hehe. I've been trying to figure it out and I've said it over and over. Friends are looking at me oddly now.-Seda*

~The Kelley Episodes~

Man at the store: Who's older?
Keren: Me.
Man: (to Essie) Why aren't you older?
Essie: Because I pushed him.

This message was edited 9/1/2005, 2:17 PM

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Iliana  ·  Siri  ·  9/1/2005, 9:06 AM
Re: Iliana  ·  Kristen  ·  9/1/2005, 10:12 PM
Re: Iliana  ·  mum2bubba  ·  9/1/2005, 8:08 PM
Re: Iliana  ·  Miss Claire  ·  9/1/2005, 7:13 PM
Re: Iliana  ·  Seda*  ·  9/1/2005, 2:17 PM
Re: Iliana  ·  Ciarda85  ·  9/1/2005, 11:17 AM
ana to me is pronuched AH-na/AWN-a, anna is AN-a nt  ·  Siri  ·  9/1/2005, 11:23 AM
Re: Iliana  ·  Alexandra  ·  9/1/2005, 9:16 AM
Re: Iliana  ·  kappeash  ·  9/1/2005, 9:14 AM