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[Opinions] Re: Stereotypical male names used as feminine names
There's some nicknamy options that I think are cute; Terry for Theresa, Andy for Andromeda and Frankie for Francesca / WinifredI like Holly as a unisex name, and a lot of that has to do with me growing up with Red Dwarf. Hazel and Autumn are also unisex to me, but are more commonly used as girls names. I like August as a unisex name, alsoZephyr is unisex to me, and I think its because Hiccup and Astrid of How to Train Your Dragon names their daughter Zephyr and I thought it was cute I had a friend whose family name was Penny. Her older brother was called Penny a lot because he had a common as fuck first name and everybody else had the nicknames, so if somebody wanted him spefifically, they'd shout over Penny. I almost like Penny as a unisex option. I think Cassy for Casper and Izzy for Isadore are niceI'm sure there's more but I cannot think of any~oOo~oOo~oOo~"one particular boogie will move mirror massaging with stirring crepe mixture, positioning loaves while in the furnace then toting items in containers" ~ best Russian daing sites (guest, (2020)

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