ruò 若 ChineseChinese character meaning
"like, if".
sà 1 飒, 颯 ChineseChinese character meaning
"sudden, sound of the wind".
sahso Old High GermanOld High German word meaning
"a Saxon", referring to a member of the Germanic tribe.
sai 斎, 齋 JapaneseMeans
"purification, worship, vegetarian food", a Japanese on reading of
sè 涩, 澀, 澁 ChineseChinese character meaning
"astringent, rough".
shàn 善 ChineseChinese character meaning
"good, virtuous".
shān 1 山 ChineseChinese character meaning
"mountain, hill, peak".
shén 神 ChineseChinese character meaning
"god, deity, spirit".
shèn 慎 ChineseChinese character meaning
"prudent, careful".
shēn 1 伸 ChineseChinese character meaning
"extend, stretch, open".
shēn 2 申 ChineseChinese character meaning
"extend, stretch, explain". It also refers to the ancient state of Shen, which existed during the Zhou dynasty in what is now Henan province.
shí 2 时, 時 ChineseChinese character meaning
"time, era, season".
shí 3 实, 實 ChineseChinese character meaning
"real, truth, honest, fruit".
shì 2 氏 ChineseChinese character meaning
"clan, family, maiden name".
shì 3 世 ChineseChinese character meaning
"world, generation, era".
shī 诗, 詩 ChineseChinese character meaning
"poetry, poem, verse".
shòu 寿, 壽 ChineseChinese character meaning
"long life, lifespan".
shōu 收 ChineseChinese character meaning
"gather, harvest".
shù 树, 樹 ChineseChinese character meaning
"tree, plant".
shū 1 淑 ChineseChinese character meaning
"good, pure, virtuous, charming".
shū 2 舒 ChineseChinese character meaning
"open up, unfold, comfortable, easy".
shùn 顺, 順 ChineseChinese character meaning
"obey, submit".
shuò 硕, 碩 ChineseChinese character meaning
"big, great".
sì 2 巳 ChineseChinese character meaning
"snake of the Chinese zodiac". This is the sixth of the twelve earthly branches.
sī 司 ChineseChinese character meaning
"manage, control, officer".
sinþs 𐍃𐌹𐌽𐌸𐍃 GothicGothic word meaning
"time, instance".
sòng 宋 ChineseChinese character referring to the Song dynasty, which ruled in China from the 10th to 13th centuries.
sōng 松 ChineseChinese character meaning
"pine tree, fir tree".
sù 1 素 ChineseChinese character meaning
"plain, simple".
sù 2 肃, 肅 ChineseChinese character meaning
sū 苏, 蘇 ChineseChinese character meaning
sūn 孙, 孫 ChineseChinese character meaning
"grandchild, descendant".
ta 1 太 JapaneseMeans
"thick, big, great", from a Japanese kan'yoon reading of
tà 拓 ChineseChinese character meaning
"expand, open, support".
tǎn 坦 ChineseChinese character meaning
"flat, smooth, level".
táng 唐 ChineseChinese character referring to the Tang dynasty, which ruled in China from the 7th to 10th centuries.
tāo 涛, 濤 ChineseChinese character meaning
"large waves".
téng 藤 ChineseChinese character meaning
"wisteria, creeper plant, rattan".
tóng 瞳 ChineseChinese character meaning
"pupil of the eye".