á Old NorseOld Norse word meaning
"river, stream, creek".
aba SothoSotho-Tswana word meaning
"allocate, share".
ʿabd عبد ArabicArabic word meaning
"servant, slave".
àdá IgboIgbo word meaning
"eldest daughter".
ʿādil عادل ArabicArabic word meaning
"fair, honest, just".
Aeneid EnglishEnglish form of Latin
Aeneis, the name of an epic poem by Virgil about the hero
ʿaffa عفّ ArabicArabic word meaning
"to refrain, to be chaste".
Àfọ̀ IgboIgbo word referring to a day of the week.
ʾaḥad أحد ArabicArabic word meaning
"Sunday", usually written with the definite article:
الأحد (al-ʾaḥad).
ajita अजित SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"unconquered, invincible".
akhila अखिल SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"whole, complete, without a gap".
akṣaya अक्षय SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"undecaying, imperishable".
ʿalāʾ علاء ArabicArabic word meaning
"excellence, height, elevation".
ʿalīy عليّ ArabicArabic word meaning
"lofty, sublime, high, exalted".
am อํา ThaiThai word meaning
"to hide, to conceal".
ʿamara عمر ArabicArabic word meaning
"to live long, to thrive, to inhabit".
àmàrà IgboIgbo word meaning
"grace, kindness".
ambra Late RomanMedieval Latin word meaning
"amber", ultimately of Arabic origin.
ʾamīn أمين ArabicArabic word meaning
"true, trustworthy".
ʾamīr أمير ArabicArabic word meaning
"prince, commander, amir".
amita अमित SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"immeasurable, infinite".
an 2 𒀭 SumerianSumerian word meaning
"heaven, sky" and later
"god, goddess".
anār انار PersianPersian word meaning
"pomegranate", ultimately of Arabic origin.
ànị̀ IgboIgbo word meaning
"earth, land" (
àlà in Central dialect).
anīka अनीक SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"splendour, appearance, face, army".
anīśa अनीश SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"supreme, paramount, without a ruler".
anti ἀντί Ancient GreekGreek preposition meaning
"against, opposed, compared to, like".
anu 2 अनु SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"under, down, away, after".
anūpa अनूप SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"watery, near the water".
Anurādha अनुराध SanskritSanskrit word referring to a constellation in Hindu astrology.
ànyị́ IgboIgbo word meaning
"we" (first-person plural pronoun).
ʿaqala عقل ArabicArabic word meaning
"to have intelligence, to be reasonable".
ārā آرا PersianPersian word meaning
"decorate, adorn".
ará YorubaYoruba word meaning
"family, relative".
ʿArab عرب ArabicMeans
"Arabs, Arabian people" in Arabic.
ārātrika आरात्रिक SanskritSanskrit word referring to a ritual in which offerings of lamps or candles are made to various gods.
ʾarbiʿāʾ أربعاء ArabicArabic word meaning
"Wednesday", usually written with the definite article:
الأربعاء (al-ʾarbiʿāʾ).