sneha स्नेह SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"love, tenderness, oiliness".
sò IgboIgbo word meaning
"follow, accompany".
som สม ThaiThai word meaning
"worthy, suitable", of Sanskrit origin.
soma सोम SanskritSanskrit word used in the Vedas to refer to a ritual drink.
śrī श्री SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"diffusing light, radiance, splendour, beauty", also used as an honorific meaning
"holy, sacred".
stān ستان PersianPersian suffix meaning
"land of, home of".
stoc Anglo-SaxonOld English word meaning
"place, dwelling" (occurring mostly in place names).
strod Anglo-SaxonOld English word meaning
"marshy ground overgrown with brushwood".
śubha शुभ SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"splendid, bright, auspicious".
suśīla सुशील SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"good-tempered, well-disposed".
svāti स्वाति SanskritSanskrit word referring to the star called Arcturus in the western world.
tāb تاب PersianPersian word meaning
"heat, glow, radiance".
tau SothoSotho-Tswana word meaning
teg WelshWelsh word meaning
"beautiful, handsome".
tejas तेजस् SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"brilliance, splendour".
thato SothoSotho-Tswana word meaning
"will, desire".
thip ทิพย์ ThaiThai word meaning
"divine", of Sanskrit origin.
thula NguniNguni word meaning
"to be quiet, to be peaceful".
thulāthāʾ ثلاثاء ArabicArabic word meaning
"Tuesday", usually written with the definite article:
الثلاثاء (al-thulāthāʾ).
ti YorubaYoruba word meaning
"belonging to".
tīrtha तीर्थ SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"sacred water, place of pilgrimage".
títí YorubaYoruba word meaning
"forever, long time".
tò IgboIgbo word meaning
"praise, glorify".
toq тоқ KazakhKazakh word meaning
"full, well-fed, prosperous".