
smaraṇa स्मरण Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "recollection".
smid Old High German
Old High German word meaning "craftsman, smith".
smiľŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "everlasting (flower)".
smith Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "craftsman, smith".
smiþ Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "craftsman, smith".
smiþuz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "craftsman, smith".
smola Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "pitch, resin".
šmš Ancient Semitic (Hypothetical)
Semitic root meaning "the sun".
snær Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "snow".
snaiwaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "snow".
snaw Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "snow".
sněgŭ снѣгъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "snow".
sneha स्नेह Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "love, tenderness, oiliness".
snel Old High German, Anglo-Saxon, Old Dutch (Hypothetical)
Old High German, Old English and Old Dutch word meaning "quick, fast".
snellaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "quick, fast".
sneo Old High German, Old Saxon
Old High German and Old Saxon word meaning "snow".
snidan Old High German
Old High German word meaning "to cut".
sniþan Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "to cut".
snithan Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "to cut".
snīþaną Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "to cut".
snuor Old High German
Old High German word meaning "rope, cord".
Igbo word meaning "follow, accompany".
śobhā शोभा Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "brilliance".
sobolĭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "sable, marten".
sóer Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "free".
śokā शोका Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "sorrow, grief".
sokolŭ соколъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "falcon".
sól Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "sun".
sol 1 Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "sun".
sol 2 Medieval Turkic
Turkic word meaning "to fade, to wilt".
soldŭkŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "sweet".
solos σόλος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "lump of iron".
sǫlr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "sallow, yellow, pale".
solum Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "ground, floor".
solvĭjĭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "nightingale".
som สม Thai
Thai word meaning "worthy, suitable", of Sanskrit origin.
soma सोम Sanskrit
Sanskrit word used in the Vedas to refer to a ritual drink.
song 2 Medieval Turkic
Turkic word meaning "end, rear".
soomaali Somali
Somali word for the Somali people.
sophia σοφία Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "wisdom, cleverness".
sophos σοφός Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "skilled, clever".
sophron σώφρων Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "self-controlled, sensible".
sör Hungarian
Hungarian word meaning "beer".
sorga Old High German
Old High German word meaning "worry, care".
sos σῶς Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "safe, whole, unwounded".
soter σωτήρ Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "savior".
sōwelō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "sun".
speht Old High German
Old High German word meaning "woodpecker".
spense Medieval English
Middle English word meaning "larder, pantry".
spere Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "spear, lance".
spina Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "thorn, spine".
spiritus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "breath, energy".
ṣpn 𐤑𐤐𐤍 Ancient Semitic (Hypothetical), Phoenician
Semitic root meaning "to hide, to conceal".
šps 𓈙𓊪𓋴 Ancient Egyptian
Ancient Egyptian word meaning "noble".
śreyas श्रेयस् Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "better, superior".
śrī श्री Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "diffusing light, radiance, splendour, beauty", also used as an honorific meaning "holy, sacred".
śrr Ancient Semitic (Hypothetical)
Semitic root meaning "to rule".
stabaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "staff, stick".
stachys στάχυς Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "ear of corn".
stafr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "staff".
stainaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "stone".
stakkr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "haystack".
stamen стамен South Slavic
South Slavic word meaning "firm".
stān ستان Persian
Persian suffix meaning "land of, home of".
stan Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "stone".
stark Old High German
Old High German word meaning "strong".
starkaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "stone".
starŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "old".
stasis στάσις Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "standing, stature, position".
staðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "town, city, place".
stati стани Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "to stand, to become".
status Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "state, condition, position".
stearc Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "rigid, strong".
stein Old High German
Old High German word meaning "stone".
steinn Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "stone".
stella Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "star".
stellen Old High German
Old High German word meaning "to set, to place".
steorra Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "star".
stergo στέργω Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "to love, to be content".
sterno Old High German
Old High German word meaning "star".
sternǭ Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "star".
sthenos σθένος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "vigour, strength".
sthira स्थिर Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "firm, steady".
stigweard Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "steward".
stinþaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "hard, stiff".
stiþ Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "hard, stiff, cruel".
stoc Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "place, dwelling" (occurring mostly in place names).
stod Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "stallion, stud".
stojati стоꙗти Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "to stand".
stoma στόμα Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "mouth".
storm Anglo-Saxon, Old Dutch (Hypothetical)
Old English and Old Dutch word meaning "storm".
stormr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "storm".
strata Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "street, paved road".
stratos στρατός Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "army".
straumr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "stream".
strĭnadŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "bunting, yellowhammer".
stro Old High German
Old High German word meaning "straw".
strod Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "marshy ground overgrown with brushwood".
strǫnd Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "edge, shore, beach".
strub Old High German
Old High German word meaning "rough, unkempt".
struna Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "string, cord".
stuba Old High German
Old High German word meaning "room".
stubbe Medieval Low German
Middle Low German word meaning "stub".
stucki Old High German
Old High German word meaning "piece, part".
sturm Old High German
Old High German word meaning "storm".
sturmaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "storm".
su 6 Medieval Turkic
Turkic word meaning "water".
su 7 Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "sow, female pig".
śubha शुभ Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "splendid, bright, auspicious".
subhāṣita सुभाषित Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "eloquent".
submonere Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "to advise, to remind".
sudarśana सुदर्शन Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "beautiful, good-looking".
śuddha शुद्ध Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "purified, pure, clear".
sudhīra सुधीर Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "very considerate, very wise".
sŭdorvŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "healthy".
suiones Ancient Roman
Latin form of svíar, mentioned in Tacitus' 1st-century book Germania.
sujāta सुजात Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "well-born".
sujaya सुजय Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "great victory".
sukha सुख Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "pleasant, happy".
sulěi Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "better" or "promise".
sŭlnĭce Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "sun".
sulṭān سلطان Arabic
Arabic word meaning "sultan, ruler".
sumanas सुमनस् Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "well-disposed, good mind".
sumantra सुमन्त्र Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "following good advice".
sumar Old High German
Old High German word meaning "summer".
sumarą Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "summer".
sumita सुमित Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "well-measured".
sumor Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "summer".
sumun 𒄢 Sumerian
Sumerian word meaning "wild cow".
suna Turkish
Turkish word meaning "shelduck".
sund Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "strait".
sunīla सुनील Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "very blue, very black".
sunīta सुनीत Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "well-conducted, wise".
sunīti सुनीति Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "good conduct".
sunna Old High German
Old High German word meaning "sun".
sunne Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "sun".
sunnǭ Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "sun".
sunt Old High German
Old High German word meaning "south".
sunþeraz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "south".
sŭnŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "dream".
suozi Old High German
Old High German word meaning "sweet".
sura सुर Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "god".
surdus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "deaf".
sŭręťa Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "luck".
sūrya सूर्य Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "sun".
suśīla सुशील Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "good-tempered, well-disposed".
suth Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "south".
suþ Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "south".
suðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "south".
sutor Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "sewer, cobbler".
suvarṇa सुवर्ण Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "good colour, bright, gold".
suxŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "dry".
svanr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "swan".
svapna स्वप्न Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "sleep, dream".
svara स्वर Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "sound, tone".
svāti स्वाति Sanskrit
Sanskrit word referring to the star called Arcturus in the western world.
sveinn Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "boy, servant".
śveta श्वेत Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "white".
světŭ свѣтъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "light, world".
svętŭ свѧтъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "sacred, holy".
svíar Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "Swede".
svoboda Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "freedom".
swan Old High German, Anglo-Saxon, Old Saxon, Old Dutch (Hypothetical), Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old High German, Old English, Old Saxon, Old Dutch and Frankish word meaning "swan".
swanaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "swan".
swar Old High German
Old High German word meaning "heavy, serious".
swarz Old High German
Old High German word meaning "black".
swenþaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "strong".
swēraz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "heavy, serious".
swete Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "sweet".
swind Old High German (Hypothetical)
Old High German word meaning "strong".
swinþs 𐍃𐍅𐌹𐌽𐌸𐍃 Gothic
Gothic word meaning "strong".
swith Old Saxon
Old Saxon word meaning "strong".
swiþ Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "strong".
swōtuz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "sweet".
śyāma श्याम Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "dark, black, blue".
sykora Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "tit (bird)".
synŭ сꙑнъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "son".
tāb تاب Persian
Persian word meaning "heat, glow, radiance".
tag Old High German
Old High German word meaning "day".
tagc Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "peace".
tähti Medieval Finnic
Finnic word meaning "star".
tai 2 Polynesian
Polynesian word meaning "sea".
tailleur Medieval French
Old French word meaning "tailor".
taimi Medieval Finnic
Finnic word meaning "sapling".
tāj تاج Persian
Persian word meaning "crown".
tajiti Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "to hide, to conceal".
ṭal טַל Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "dew".
tal 1 Old High German
Old High German word meaning "valley".
tal 2 Old Welsh, Medieval Breton
Old Welsh and Breton word meaning "forehead, brow, front, extremity, end".
talitha ταλιθά Biblical Greek
Greek form of an Aramaic word meaning "little girl".
talvi Medieval Finnic
Finnic word meaning "winter".
tam תָּם Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "perfect, complete, upright".
tama 2 Tahitian
Tahitian word meaning "child".
tamannā تمنّا Persian
Persian word meaning "wish, desire".
tamar תָּמָר Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "date palm".
tamm Old High German (Hypothetical)
Old High German word (unattested) meaning "dam".
tan تن Persian
Persian word meaning "body, skin".
tang Medieval Turkic
Turkic word meaning "dawn".
tanu तनु Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "slender".
tapana तपन Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "warming, burning, heating".
tar Hungarian
Hungarian word meaning "bald".
tārā तारा Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "star".
taran Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "thunder".
tärmä Medieval Finnic
Finnic word meaning "energy".
taruṇa तरुण Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "young, fresh".
tau Sotho
Sotho-Tswana word meaning "lion".
tauta Medieval Baltic
Lithuanian and Latvian word meaning "people, nation".
tāzīk تازیک Persian
Persian word meaning "Arab".
tea Polynesian
Polynesian word meaning "white".
teʾena תְּאֵנָה Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "fig".
teg Welsh
Welsh word meaning "beautiful, handsome".
tejas तेजस् Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "brilliance, splendour".
tele τῆλε Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "afar, far off".
telos τέλος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "purpose, result, completion".
teman תֵּימָן Ancient Hebrew
Denominative form of yamin.
temür Medieval Turkic
Old Turkic word meaning "iron".
tene Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "fire".
terpo τέρπω Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "to satisfy, to cheer".
terpsis τέρψις Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "enjoyment, delight".
terra Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "land, earth".
tesla Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "adze".
thaba Nguni, Sotho, Bantu
Nguni and Sotho-Tswana word meaning "be happy, be delighted".
þæc Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "roof, thatch".
thak Old Dutch (Hypothetical)
Old Dutch word meaning "roof, thatch".
þaką Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "roof, cover".
thallo θάλλω Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "to blossom".
thamar ثمر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "fruit, profit".
thanatos θάνατος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "death".
thanda Nguni
Nguni word meaning "to love".
þank Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "thought, consideration, thanks".
thank Old Saxon, Old Dutch
Old Saxon and Old Dutch word meaning "thought, consideration, thanks".
þankaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "thought, consideration, thanks".
thato Sotho
Sotho-Tswana word meaning "will, desire".
thea θεά Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "goddess".
themis θέμις Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "law of nature, divine law, custom".
þeoda Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "people, tribe".
theos θεός Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "god".
therao θηράω Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "to hunt".
þeudiskaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "of the people, of the tribe".
þeudō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "people, tribe".
thiad Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "people, tribe".
thina Nguni
Nguni word meaning "us".
thiod Old Saxon
Old Saxon word meaning "people, tribe".
thip ทิพย์ Thai
Thai word meaning "divine", of Sanskrit origin.
þiuda 𐌸𐌹𐌿𐌳𐌰 Gothic
Gothic word meaning "people, tribe".
thiudisc Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "of the people, of the tribe, German".
þjófr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "thief".
þorn Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse
Old English and Old Norse word meaning "thorn".
þorp Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "village".
thorp Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "village".
þrop Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "village".
þruþi Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "strength".
þrūþiz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "strength".
þrúðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "strength".
þryþ Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "strength".
thula Nguni
Nguni word meaning "to be quiet, to be peaceful".
thulāthāʾ ثلاثاء Arabic
Arabic word meaning "Tuesday", usually written with the definite article: الثلاثاء (al-thulāthāʾ).
þurnaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "thorn".
þurpą Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "village, gathering of people".
thymos θυμός Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "soul, spirit".
þýðverskr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "German".
ti Yoruba
Yoruba word meaning "belonging to".
tiare Tahitian
Tahitian word meaning "flower".
tigerna Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "lord, ruler".
tigernos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "lord, ruler".
tigirn Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "king".
tigris τίγρις Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "tiger".
tilek Medieval Turkic
Turkic word meaning "wish".
timao τιμάω Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "to honour".
tind Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "point, tine".
tiro Late Roman
Vulgar Latin word meaning "to pull".
tīrtha तीर्थ Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "sacred water, place of pilgrimage".
tisis τίσις Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "vengeance".
tithemi τίθημι Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "to set, to place".
títí Yoruba
Yoruba word meaning "forever, long time".
tiuf Old High German
Old High German word meaning "deep".
tixŭ тихъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "quiet".
tlālli Aztec
Nahuatl word meaning "earth, land, soil".
tlao τλάω Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "to endure, to suffer".
to 4 Yoruba
Yoruba word meaning "sufficient".
Igbo word meaning "praise, glorify".
toa Polynesian, Tahitian
Polynesian word meaning "warrior".
todde Medieval English
Middle English word meaning "fox".
tog Medieval Turkic
Turkic word meaning "to rise, to be born".
togan Medieval Turkic
Turkic word meaning "hawk, falcon".
toivodak Medieval Finnic
Finnic word meaning "to hope".
toln Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "toll, fee, tax".
tomiti томити Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "to torment".
tömör төмөр Mongolian
Mongolian word meaning "iron".
tonsus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "shaved".
topt Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "homestead".
toq тоқ Kazakh
Kazakh word meaning "full, well-fed, prosperous".
toranos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "thunder".
tornare Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "turn".
tornus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "lathe" (of Greek origin).
tót Hungarian
Hungarian word meaning "Slovak" or "Slovene".
toutā Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "people, tribe".
ṭov טוֹב Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "good".
trajati траꙗти Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "to last, to endure".
transversare Late Roman
Late Latin word meaning "to cross".