xola NguniNguni word meaning
"to be peaceful".
ya 9 IgboIgbo suffix meaning
"him, her, his, hers" (third-person pronoun).
yamana يمن ArabicArabic word meaning
"to be lucky, to go to the right".
yamīn يمين ArabicArabic word meaning
"right hand, south".
yār یار PersianPersian word meaning
"friend, companion".
yasira يسر ArabicArabic word meaning
"to be easy, to be rich".
yẹ YorubaYoruba word meaning
"suitable, worthy".
yẹ́ YorubaYoruba word meaning
"praise, favour".
ym ым KazakhKazakh possessive suffix meaning
za NguniNguni word meaning
"to come, to approach".
zāda زاد ArabicArabic word meaning
"to grow, to increase".
ẓahara ظهر ArabicArabic word meaning
"to be visible, to be clear".
zahra زهْرة ArabicArabic word meaning
"flower, splendour".
zār زار PersianPersian suffix meaning
"place abounding in, field, garden".
ẓarīf ظريف ArabicArabic word meaning
"elegant, graceful, charming".
zawār زوار ArabicArabic word meaning
"pilgrim, visitor".
zọ IgboIgbo word meaning
"save, protect".