Sméraldine f TheatreFata Morgana's black slave in "L'amour des trois oranges" by Prokofiev.
Cathos f TheatreA character in "Les Précieuses Ridicules"(The Absurd Précieuses or The Affected Ladies), a one-act satire by Molière in prose. The play takes aim at the précieuses, the ultra-witty ladies who indulged in lively conversations, word games and, in a word, préciosité (preciousness)
Philaminte f TheatreAn overbearing wife and mother in Moliere's "Les Femmes Savantes" (The Learned Ladies).
Chrysalde m TheatreA character in Molière's "L'école des femmes" (The School for Wives ).
Nérine f TheatreHyacinthe's wet nurse in Moliere's "Les Fourberies de Scapin"
Mascarille m Theatrea character in Moliere's "Étourdi ou les Contretemps" (The Blunderer, or the Counterplots), whose plot follows a servant's schemes to help his wealthy employer win the affections of a poor young woman.
Atlantes m LiteratureAtlantes was a powerful sorcerer featured in chansons de geste. In Boiardo's Orlando Innamorato (1482), where he is known as Atalante, the magician fears that Rugiero (Boiardo's spelling) will convert to Christianity and aid Charlemagne against the Saracens... [