These names occur primarily in popular culture and entertainment. They are not commonly given to real people.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Arendelle(Region & Settlement)Popular Culture Likely based on Arendal, the name of a town and municipality in Southern Norway. Arendalle is a fictional kingdom in Disney's animated movie 'Frozen' (2013).
Bombo(Mountain & Other)Kongo, Literature, Popular Culture The name of a hill in the border between southernmost mainland Congo Brazzaville and westernmost DRC; the meaningful name of a little known Tarzan inspired character.
Coruscant(Other)Popular Culture Coruscant is a fictional planet in the 'Star Wars' universe. The planet is an ecumenopolis -- the surface is almost entirely covered by one city. The name is derived from Latin coruscant "vibrating, glittering, sparkling"... [more]
Enchancia(Country)Popular Culture A fictional kingdom from the Disney TV series "Sofia the First".
Endor(Settlement & Other)Biblical, Popular Culture From the Hebrew Bible, a Canaanite village where the Witch of Endor lived. Also a place in Star Wars.
Fiore(Other)Popular Culture Means "flower" in Italian. It has been used as a place name in Pokemon and Fairy Tail.
Kakin(Country, Region & Mountain)Popular Culture, Japanese An empire in Hunter X Hunter, named after the Kachin state of Myanmar, but inspired by northern parts of the country as a whole.
Kanga(Settlement & Other)Kongo, Popular Culture, Literature Even though it is also the name of a hill range in westernmost Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kanga is best known internationally as the name of a certain Kangaroo from Winnie the Pooh books and the basis for the name Kaänga.
Los Santos(Region)Popular Culture Means "the saints" in Spanish. This is the name of a fictional city in 2013 video game Grand Theft Auto V, located south of the state of San Andreas... [more]
Mompracem(Political Subdivision, Region, Settlement & Island)Literature, Popular Culture Mompracem is the historical name of Kuraman, which is currently known primarily as the alter ego name of Keraman in the Sandokan series.
Mos Eisley(Settlement)Popular Culture Mos Eisley is a fictional town and large spaceport located on the planet Tatooine in the 'Star Wars' universe. The name is unexplained.
New New York(Settlement & Island)Popular Culture New New York is the name of the main city from Futurama, which was built over Old New York after it was destroyed.
Rock Bottom(Settlement)Popular Culture Rock Bottom is a fictional town from the cartoon 'Spongebob Squarepants'. It's name is a reference to the saying Rock Bottom. Rock Bottom is typically used as a way of expressing desperation or feeling like one is stuck... [more]
San Andreas(Political Subdivision)Popular Culture Possibly meaning "Saint Andrew" in Spanish, named in honor for the patron saint of fisherfolk, but it may be incorrent since the Spanish form of Andrew is Andrés... [more]
Sanguinem(Settlement)Popular Culture Means "blood" in Latin. This was used in the Japanese manga and anime series Seraph of the End for the vampire capital city of Sanguinem.
Shandora(Settlement & Other)Popular Culture Shandora is an ancient city on the Spring island of Jaya in the One Piece franchise. In the language of the Shandorians, it means “The Skull’s Right Eye”.
Sodor(Other)Popular Culture This is the name of a fictional island where all the engines live in the TV-series 'Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends'.
Teufort(Settlement)Popular Culture The most popular map from the game Team Fortress and Team Fortress 2. The location's name has two different meanings depending on if you view it from in universe or out of universe.... [more]
Wakanda(Country)Popular Culture The name of a fictional country in the Marvel Universe, home to the superhero Black Panther.