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Ceylon 1
Type Country
Usage English
Pronounced Pron. SAY-lahn  [key]

Meaning & History

Previous name of the country Sri Lanka. The name Ceylon most likely traces its roots back to the Sanskrit Sinha, meaning "lion". As lions are not native to Sri Lanka, another possible interpretation of the name is "lion-like man" or "hero".
Added 9/16/2011 by Nyx
Edited 5/2/2015 by Frollein Gladys and Nyx

Ceylon 2
not set
Type Country

Meaning & History

The former name of Sri Lanka, derived from Portuguese Ceilão, which was in turn derived from Persian سیلان (seylan), ultimately from Sanskrit सिंहल (sinhala) meaning "lionlike".
Added 7/6/2023 by anonymous