Name List: Girl Names

Standard view
Name M/F Remark
Abha f
Abigail f
Adélaïde f
Adelaide f
Adrienne f
Agatha f
Aglaia f Pron. either a-GLAH-ee-a (or) a-GLAY-a
Aglaya f
Agnessa f
Agnieszka f
Ahava f Means "love" in Hebrew
Ahurani f
Áine f AHN-ya; means 'radiance' in Irish
Akiko f
Akira m / f
Alastríona f
Alessandra f
Althaea f
Althea f
Alya 1 f
Amabel f
Amalthea f
Amaranta f
Amarantha f
Amata f
Amaterasu f
Ameretat f
America f The name of one of my great-great grandmothers!
Amethyst f
Amira 2 f Hebrew name unrelated to the Arabic name; means 'treetop'
Amirah f Arabic name unrelated to the Hebrew name; from 'amir', meaning 'commander' or 'prince'
Anaïs f
Anastasia f Ah-nah-stay-zha. Nickname: Ana (Ah-na) or also possibly Anya.
Angélique f
Anna f
Anneliese f
Annunciata f
Annunziata f
Annushka f
Antonia f
Anya f
Apollonia f
Arabella f
Araceli f
Aradhana f
Araminta f
Ariadne f
Arianna f
Arianrhod f
Arianwen f
Ariella f
Arielle f
Artemis f
Artemisia f
Aruzhan f
Arwen f
Arya 1 f
Asha 1 f
Asra f
Asteria f
Astraea f
Astrid f
Åsvi f
Athénaïs m ah-tay-na-EES or ah-TAY-na-ees
Atsuko f
Aurelia f
Aureliana f
Aurélie f
Aurélienne f
Aurora f
Aušra f
Austėja f
Autumn f
Avalon f
Azura f
Balsamie f The name of an obscure 6th century saint, the wet-nurse of Saint Remi. It is apparently derived from the word 'balsam' meaning a healing balm/ointment, ultimately from Hebrew 'basam'-- 'spice'.
Béatrice f bay-ah-TREES
Beatrix f
Belén f be-LEN
Brighid f
Brigid f Pronounced either BRIGG-id or BREE-id.
Brigitta f
Bronwen f
Calanthe f
Calanthia f
Caliadne f
Calliope f
Callista f
Calypso f
Candelaria f
Capucine f
Carmelle f I especially like this as Marie-Carmelle.
Carmen f
Catriona f
Cecilia f Other legitimate (and more positive/less negative) meanings of its Latin root include 'hidden' and 'secret'.
Celestina f
Celynwen f
Ceridwen f
Chandani f
Chandni f
Chandra f
Chava f hah-va
Chiara f
Christa f
Christabel f
Christabelle f
Christelle f krees-TEL
Christiana f Acceptable nicknames: Chrissie or Christelle; also Christabel or Christa. *maybe* Tiana. maybe.
Chrysanthe f
Chryssa f
Clara f
Clare f
Clarissa f
Clémence f
Clementia f
Clemenzia f
Clíodhna f
Clytemnestra f
Consolata f
Constanza f
Cora f With this spelling, I think it is commonly understood to be derived from Latin 'cor', meaning 'heart'.
Coralie f
Cordelia f Alternatively: derived from Latin 'cordis', 'of the heart' or 'corde', 'by/with/in the heart'; a combination of Latin 'cor' w/ Greek 'delia' (ultimately meaning 'revealed'), thus "revealed heart".
Corisande f
Cosima f
Cosmina f
Crescentia f
Crescenzia f
Cypriana f
Danaë f dah-nah-ee
Daphne f
Dariana f
Dariya f
Deirdre f
Delphine f
Demeter 1 f
Dominique f
Dorothy f
Eden f
Edith f
Eira 1 f
Eira 2 f
Eirian f / m
Eirianwen f
Eithne f
Elaine f
Elanor f
Elbereth f
Eleanor f
Elena f eh-LAY-na
Eliana 1 f
Elinor f
Eliora f
Élisabeth f
Elisabeth f
Elisabetta f
Élise f
Elisheva f
Eliška f
Eliza f
Élodie f
Elowen f
Elspeth f EL-speth
Eluned f
Emerentia f
Emiliana f
Emmanuelle f
Éowyn f
Epiphania f
Esmée f
Esmeralda f
Esperanza f
Estella f
Estelle f
Esther f
Estrella f
Eugénie f
Euphrasia f
Euphrosyne f
Eurydice f
Evadne f
Evangeline f
Evelina f
Evelyn f
Farah f / m
Felicity f
Fiammetta f
Fiona f
Fiorenza f
Floriana f Just pretty, wouldn't actually use.
Fortune f potential middle name only (family name)
Francesca f
Françoise f
Freya f
Gaia f
Gaiana f
Galadriel f
Gemma f
Geneviève f
Genevieve f
Georgiana f
Gianna f
Gioia f
Gloriana f
Grace f
Graciela f
Guenevere f
Guinevere f
Gwendolen f
Gwendolyn f
Gwenhwyfar f gwen-hwee-var
Gwyneira f
Hadassah f
Hannah f
Helen f
Helena f
Hélène f
Helianthe f
Hermione f Derived from Hermes, yes, but I find it more convincing that Hermes means "translator" or "communicator" instead. Besides being a better meaning. ;)
Hesperia f
Hestia f
Hikari f / m
Hikaru f
Honoria f
Illuminata f
India f
Indigo f / m
Indira f
Inés f
Ingrid f
Irena f ee-RAY-na
Isabel f
Isabella f
Isabelle f
Isadora f
Isobel f
Isolina f Another site said this name is probably a form of Isolde.
Isra f
Ivanna f
Ivy f
Jacinta f
Jane f
Jasmina f
Jasmine f
Jeanna f
Jeannette f
Jehanne f
Jessamine f
Joanna f
Johanna f
Josefina f
Josephine f
Josette f
Josiane f
Judith f
Juliana f
Juliet f
Juliska f
Jumana f
Karima f
Karishma f
Kassiani f I also like Kassiana.
Kasumi f
Katya f
Keiko f
Kerensa f
Khalida f
Kirsten f I only like it pronounced KEER-sten. (*not* KUR-sten)
Laila 1 f
Lakshmi f / m
Lamiya f
Leilani f / m
Léonie f
Lesedi f / m
Lestari f
Letizia f
Liesl f
Lilavati f Lee-la-vah-tee
Lilia f
Liliana f
Liliya f
Lily f
Lisette f
Lorelei f
Louisa f
Louise f
Luciana f
Lucy f
Lumi f
Lumina f
Luna f
Lúthien f
Lydia f
Madeleine f
Madhavi f
Madhuri f
Magdalena f Mag-da-LAY-na; possible nickname: Alena (sort of like Elena)
Mairéad f
Mairwen f
Malati f
Marcelina f
Marceline f
Margareta f
Marguerite f
Maria f
Mariam f
Mariana f
Marianne f
Marielle f
Marietta f
Mariluna f I don't know why this says it's French, this name is Spanish, Maria+Luna. French would be Marie-Lune or Marilune.
Marisol f
Marisoleil f
Maristella f
Maritza f
Mariya f
Marjolaine f mar-zho-LEN or mar-jo-LEN
Marlena f
Marta f
Martha f
Mary f
Maryam f
Masuma f
Mathilda f
Maureen f
Meira f meh-ee-ra
Melinda f Could be understood as derived from/an elaborated form of Greek 'meli', meaning 'honey, sweet' (as in Melissa), and perhaps influenced by Spanish 'linda', meaning 'beautiful'.
Mélisande f
Melissa f
Melissanthe f
Melody f
Melpomene f
Mercy f
Meridiana f I don't think this name is Maria+Diana, that would be Maridiana. It appears to be derived from the word 'meridian', meaning 'midday' or 'noon'.
Mirabella f
Mirabelle f
Miranda f
Mireia f
Mireille f
Mireya f
Miryam f
Misaki f
Mitsuki f
Mitsuko f
Miyako f
Mizuki f
Mnemosyne f
Mohana f
Morwenna f I prefer the spelling Merewen or Merewenna
Munira f
Murielle f
Nadezhda f
Nadra f
Nancy f
Naomi 1 f
Natalya f
Natasha f
Natela f
Nefertari f
Nefertiti f
Nevenka f
Nicoletta f
Nienna f
Nilima f
Nimue f NIM-yoo-ay
Noelani f
Noëlle f
Noémie f
Odessa f
Oksana f
Ophelia f
Ourania f
Padma f
Padmavati f
Parisa f
Parvana f
Parvaneh f
Parvati f
Penelope f
Perla f
Persephone f As a Greek commenter said, "the one who brings the light". But apparently the name is likely of pre-Greek origin, and thus its meaning is truly unknown (and not the horrid Greek theories given).
Phaedra f
Phaenna f
Phoebe f
Pocahontas f I just like the name, wouldn't actually use it.
Primrose f
Priya f
Prospera f
Rachel f
Radana f
Radha f
Raffaela f
Rani 1 f Means 'queen' or 'princess', from Sanskrit
Rani 2 f Means 'my song' or 'my joy' in Hebrew
Raphaela f
Raphaëlle f
Ravenna f
Renata f
Rhiannon f
Rhianwen f
Ríona f
Róisín f
Rosabelle f
Rosalba f
Rosalie f
Rosalind f
Rosaline f the --line ending said as "leen", not "lyne"
Rosamund f
Rosaria f
Rose f
Rosemary f
Roshanara f
Roshni f
Rosiana f
Rowena f
Sabrina f
Sakura f
Salomé f SA-lo-may
Saoirse f
Sapphira f
Sapphire f
Sarangerel f
Sephora f
Serafima f
Seraphina f
Séraphine f
Seren f seh-ren
Shanti f
Shiphrah f
Shira f
Shivali f
Shprintze f
Shreya f
Sigrid f
Simcha f / m
Sitara f
Sollemnia f
Sophia f
Sophie f
Sophronia f
Sophrosyne f
Sora f / m
Soraya f
Sorcha f
Sperantia f
Stella 1 f
Suraya f
Susanna f
Symphoriana f
Tabitha f
Tamara f
Tamsin f
Tanya f
Tatiana f
Tessa f As a nickname only.
Theodora f
Theodosia f
Theokleia f
Theophania f
Theresa f
Theresia f tə-RAY-see-ah
Tikva f Means "hope" in Hebrew. I also like it spelled Tikvah.
Titania f
Tovah f
Tzeitel f
Utari f
Valentina f
Valpuri f
Vasanti f
Vashti f
Vasiliki f
Vasilisa f
Vera 1 f
Verity f
Véronique f
Vesna f
Victoria f
Violet f
Violetta f
Viviana f
Vivienne f
Wendy f
Willow f
Yavanna f
Yukiko f
Yuriko f
Yvette f
Zénaïde f
Zephyrina f