Name List: Royal seeming

They sound like a princess name
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Name M/F Remark Rating
Adelaide f Nobleness.
Alba f Clean or pure
Alistair m Defending men.
Arteena f Pure virtuous holy
Bella f My god is an oath, buetiful.
Caleb m All of heart.
Candice f Clear, bright
Clara f Clear, bright
Clemence f Merciful, gentle.
Conley m Constant Fire.
Eshban m Spreading fire
Everly f Woodland boar.
Faarax m Happy.
Felicity f Good luck.
Fidel m Faithful.
Gideon m Feller
Gilbert m Bright pledge.
Heron m Hero
Ishmael m God will hear
Leili 1 f Holy, blessed.
Leopold m Brave, lion.
Natela f Bright, light.
Nika 1 f / m Victory, true image.
Nikolai m Victory of the people
Phoebe f Bright, pure
Rachel f Ewe
Zander m Defender of men