MajiDeHikari's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark
Blaine m Silent, and mysterious. Used as go-getter of Casimir. Doesn't speak, always takes people by surprise. Slim face, muscly built. Dark dusty red hair and white eyes.
Casimir m Red eyes, pasty white skin, only things visible from his always-worn cloak. Changes ages all the time. ((Also has black skin GOOD REASON!))
Clover f Twin of Spade, vampire. Long black hair and red eyes. Wears black all the time and has her hair down. Reserved, quiet, snobbish, and cold.
Leto f Smart, witty, Casimir's right hand. Very cold and quiet, not afraid to point out faults. Gorgeous, slim face and features, yellow eyes, light gray/white hair, blue skin, pointed ears, sharp teeth.