MajiDeHikari's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark
Cade m Leader of guild; Gunner. Brown hair blue eyes. Anger management issues. Hates bears.
Candy f Radek's girlfriend. Blonde w/ green eyes. Ditzy and air-headed but quick and clever. She's a survivalist, after all.
Erika f Dies. War Magus. Acts like a mommy to the rest of the guild. Experienced, though. One would wonder why she was here...
Katrina f "Cherry" Gives nicknames to every one. Medic. Her previous guild was killed off and she remembers nothing. VERY ACTIVE AND BUBBLEH
Radek m A womanizer with dark bluish gray hair and gray eyes. Flirty, very condescending but not all that smart.
Rosaleen f Cade's love interest. Dark, mysterious, blunt and sadistic. Depressing. Purple-gray hair with bright yellow eyes. (Accursed eye as well)