Submitted Place Name Revision History

loadingDate    Editor    Change Summary
9/12/2021, 12:53 PM HL
10/3/2020, 6:25 PM HL
9/15/2020, 1:55 PM HL
7/28/2020, 2:41 PM HL
7/28/2020, 2:40 PM HL
7/28/2020, 2:22 PM HL
7/28/2020, 2:22 PM HL
4/24/2020, 2:11 PM Lucille
4/24/2020, 1:32 PM anonymous

Name Lagos
Type Political Subdivision & Settlement
Pronounced Pron. /ˈleɪ.ɡɒs/(English) /ˈlɑː.ɡoʊs/(English)
Theme river
Edit Status Status3. usages AND description are verified

Meaning & History

From Portuguese lagos meaning "lakes". This is the name of a city in Nigeria as well as a state of the same name.
Added 4/24/2020 by anonymous