
This is a list of the usages (and origins) supported on this site.

CodeUsage NameOrigin NameLang.Lang.Grp.NationRegionDescription
abzAbazinAbazayAbazin names are used by speakers of Abaza in Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia.
abkAbkhazAbkhazyAbkhaz names are used by Abkhaz speakers in Abkhazia, a disputed region in Georgia.
aceAcehneseAcehneseyAcehnese names are used in Aceh, Indonesia.
achAcholiAcholiyAcholi names are used by the Acholi people of South Sudan.
adyAdygheAdygheyAdyghe names are used in the Republic of Adygea in Russia.
afaAfarAfaryAfar names are used in the countries of Djibouti, Eritrea and Ethiopia in eastern Africa.
afgAfghanAfghanyAfghan names are used in the country of Afghanistan in central Asia.
afiAfizereAfizereyAfizere names are used by the Afizere people of Nigeria.
afrAfricanAfricanyAfrican names are used on the continent of Africa, covering a wide number of languages.
usa-bAfrican AmericanAfrican AmericanThese names are a subset of American names used more often by African Americans.
afr-mythAfrican MythologyAfrican MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the various peoples who inhabit Africa.
afkAfrikaansAfrikaansyAfrikaans names are used by Afrikaans speakers in the countries of South Africa and Namibia.
amf-sAfro-American (Slavery-era)Afro-American (Slavery-era)These names were used by African slaves in the Americas.
amf-mythAfro-American MythologyAfro-American MythologyThese names occur in the various mythologies and religions that developed in the Americas among African slaves.
agcAgatuAgatuyAgatu names are used in Nigeria.
aghAghulAghulyAghul names are used by the Aghul people of Dagestan, a republic of Russia.
agrAguarunaAguarunayAguaruna or Awajún names are used by the Aguaruna people of Peru.
ainAinuAinuyAinu names are used by the Ainu people of Japan.
akaAkanAkanyAkan names are used by the Akan people of Ghana and Ivory Coast.
akk-anciAkkadianAkkadianyThese names were used in ancient Akkad.
albAlbanianAlbanianyAlbanian names are used in the country of Albania, as well as Kosovo and other Albanian communities throughout the world.
alb-mythAlbanian MythologyAlbanian MythologyThese names occur in Albanian mythology.
aleAleutAleutyAleut names are used by the Aleut people of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska.
alqAlgonquianAlgonquianyAlgonquian names are used by the Algonquian peoples of Canada and the United States (not to be confused with Algonquin, a subgroup).
algAlgonquinAlgonquinyAlgonquin names are used by the Algonquin people of Ontario and Quebec in Canada.
alsAlsatianAlsatianyAlsatian names are used in Alsace, eastern France, by speakers of Alsatian, an Upper German dialect.
altAltaiAltaiyAltai names are used by the Altai people of southern Siberia.
alrAlurAluryAlur names are used by the Alur people of Uganda.
usaAmericanAmericanyAmerican names are used in the United States.
usa-hAmerican (Hispanic)Hispanic AmericanThese names are a subset of American names used more often by Hispanic Americans.
usa-sAmerican (South)American (South)These names are a subset of American names used more often in the American South.
amhAmharicAmharicyAmharic names are used in Ethiopia.
amiAmisAmisyAmis names are used by the indigenous Amis people of Taiwan.
anaAnaangAnaangyAnaang names are used by the Anaang people in southeastern Nigeria.
anciAncientAncientThese names were used in various ancient regions.
arc-anciAncient AramaicAramaicyThese names were used by Aramaic speakers of the ancient Near East.
arm-anciAncient ArmenianClassical ArmenianyThese names were used by ancient Armenian peoples.
ass-anciAncient AssyrianAncient AssyrianThese names were used in ancient Assyria.
ber-anciAncient BerberAncient BerberyThese names were used by the ancient Berber peoples of North Africa.
dra-anciAncient DravidianAncient DravidianyThese names were used by the ancient Dravidian peoples of India.
egy-anciAncient EgyptianAncient EgyptianyThese names were used in Ancient Egypt.
gre-anciAncient GreekClassical GreekyThese names were used in ancient Greece.
heb-anciAncient HebrewClassical HebrewyThese names were used by the ancient Israelites.
nea-anciAncient Near EasternAncient Near EasternThese names were used in the ancient Near East. That is, by the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Canaanites, Phoenicians and others. Listed separately are Ancient Egyptian names and Ancient Persian names.
osc-anciAncient OscanOscanyThese names were used by the Oscan people of southern Italy.
rom-anciAncient RomanLatinyThese names were used in ancient Rome and many parts of the Roman Empire.
sem-anciAncient SemiticSemiticyThese names were used by ancient Semitic-speaking peoples, such as the Akkadians, Babylonians, Canaanites and Phoenicians.
nrm-medi-eAnglo-NormanAnglo-NormanyAnglo-Norman names were used by medieval Anglo-Normans in England.
eng-anciAnglo-SaxonOld EnglishyAnglo-Saxon names were used by the Anglo-Saxons who inhabited ancient England.
eng-mythAnglo-Saxon MythologyAnglo-Saxon MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of Anglo-Saxon England.
sca-medi-bAnglo-ScandinavianAnglo-ScandinavianThese names were used by medieval Norse people who had settled in Britain.
antAntillean CreoleAntillean CreoleyAntillean Creole names are used on the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean.
apaApacheApacheyApache names are used by the Apache peoples of the southwestern United States.
araArabicArabicyArabic names are used in the Arab world, as well as some other regions within the larger Muslim world. They are not necessarily of Arabic origin, though most in fact are. Compare also Persian names and Turkish names.
ara-eArabic (Egyptian)Egyptian ArabicyThese names are a subset of Arabic names used more often in Egypt.
ara-bArabic (Maghrebi)Maghrebi ArabicyThese names are a subset of Arabic names used more often in the Maghreb (Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Libya).
ara-mArabic (Mashriqi)Mashriqi ArabicyThese names are a subset of Arabic names used more often in the Mashriq (Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen).
argAragoneseAragoneseyAragonese names are used in Aragon in northeastern Spain by speakers of Aragonese.
rkiArakaneseArakaneseyArakanese names are used in western Myanmar (Burma) by speakers of Arakanese, a language closely related to Burmese.
arpArapahoArapahoyArapaho names are used by the Arapaho peoples of Wyoming and Oklahoma.
armArmenianArmenianyArmenian names are used in the country of Armenia in western Asia, as well as in Armenian diaspora communities throughout the world.
arm-eArmenian (Eastern)Eastern ArmenianyThese names are a subset of Armenian names used more often in Eastern Armenia.
arm-wArmenian (Western)Western ArmenianyThese names are a subset of Armenian names used more often in Western Armenia.
arm-mythArmenian MythologyArmenian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Armenian people.
lite-kArthurian CycleArthurian CycleThese names are from the medieval tales of King Arthur and his knights.
ashAsháninkaAsháninkayAsháninka names are used by the Asháninka people of Peru.
asmAssameseAssameseyAssamese names are used in Assam in eastern India.
arcAssyrianNeo-AramaicyAssyrian names are used by the Assyrian and Chaldean people who originate in Iraq, Syria, and Turkey.
astrAstronomyAstronomyThese names occur primarily in astronomy. They are not commonly given to real people.
astAsturianAsturianyAsturian names are used in Asturias in northern Spain by speakers of Asturian.
atyAtayalAtayalyAtayal names are used by the indigenous Atayal people of Taiwan.
avaAvarAvaryAvar names are used by Avar speakers in Dagestan, a federal subject of Russia.
ave-anciAvestanAvestanyAvestan names were used in central Asia by speakers of ancient Avestan.
aymAymaraAymarayAymara names are used by the Aymara people of Bolivia and Peru.
azeAzerbaijaniAzerbaijaniyAzerbaijani names are used by the Azeri people of Azerbaijan and northern Iran.
nah-anciAztecClassical NahuatlThese names were used in the Aztec Empire.
nah-mythAztec and Toltec MythologyAztec and Toltec MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Toltecs, Aztecs and other related peoples.
bab-anciBabylonianBabylonianThese names were used in ancient Babylonia.
bahBahamian CreoleBahamian CreoleyBahamian names are used in the Bahamas in the Caribbean.
bajBajanBajanyBajan names are used on the island nation of Barbados in the Caribbean.
balBalineseBalineseyBalinese names are used on the island of Bali, a part of Indonesia.
blcBalochiBalochiyBalochi names are used by the Baloch people in Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan.
bltBalticBalticyThese names are used by Baltic peoples.
blt-mythBaltic MythologyBaltic MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Baltic peoples.
bamBamilekeBamilekeyBamileke names are used by the Bamileke people of Cameroon.
bntBanat SwabianBanat SwabianThese names are used by Banat Swabians, who are ethnic Germans from the historical region of Banat (straddling Romania, Serbia and Hungary).
bdlBandialBandialyBandial names are used by speakers of Bandial in Senegal, western Africa.
banBanjarBanjaryBanjar names are used by the Banjar people of Indonesia.
btuBantuBantuyThese names are used by Bantu peoples.
baoBaouléBaouléyBaoulé names are used by the Baoulé people of Ivory Coast.
barBaribaBaribayBariba (or Baatonum) names are used by the Bariba people of Benin and Nigeria.
bshBashkirBashkiryBashkir names are used in Bashkortostan in Russia.
basBasqueBasqueyBasque names are used in the Basque Country (northern Spain and southern France) by speakers of Basque.
bas-mythBasque MythologyBasque MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Basque people.
batBatakBatakyBatak names are used on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia by speakers of the Batak languages.
belBelarusianBelarusianyBelarusian names are used in the country of Belarus in eastern Europe.
blgBelgianBelgianyBelgian names are used in the country of Belgium in western Europe.
bemBembaBembayBemba names are used by the Bemba people of Zambia.
benBengaliBengaliyBengali names are used in Bangladesh and eastern India.
ben-hBengali (Hindu)Bengali (Hindu)These names are a subset of Bengali names used more often by Bengali Hindus (mostly in the Indian state of West Bengal).
ben-iBengali (Muslim)Bengali (Muslim)These names are a subset of Bengali names used more often by Bengali Muslims (mostly in the country of Bangladesh).
berBerberBerberyBerber names are used by the Berber (Amazigh) people of North Africa, including the Tuareg of the Sahara.
bhoBhojpuriBhojpuriyBhojpuri names are used in northern India (in the state of Bhojpur).
bhuBhutaneseDzongkhayBhutanese names are used in the country of Bhutan in southern Asia.
eng-biblBiblicalBiblical EnglishThese names occur in the English Bible.
biblBiblical (All)BiblicalThese names occur in the Bible (in any language).
dan-biblBiblical DanishBiblical DanishThese names appear in Danish versions of the Bible.
dut-biblBiblical DutchBiblical DutchThese names appear in Dutch versions of the Bible.
fin-biblBiblical FinnishBiblical FinnishThese names appear in Finnish versions of the Bible.
fre-biblBiblical FrenchBiblical FrenchThese names appear in French versions of the Bible.
ger-biblBiblical GermanBiblical GermanThese names appear in German versions of the Bible.
gre-biblBiblical GreekBiblical GreekThese names appear in the Greek Bible.
haw-biblBiblical HawaiianBiblical HawaiianThese names appear in Hawaiian versions of the Bible.
heb-biblBiblical HebrewBiblical HebrewThese names appear in the Hebrew Bible.
hun-biblBiblical HungarianBiblical HungarianThese names appear in Hungarian versions of the Bible.
ita-biblBiblical ItalianBiblical ItalianThese names appear in Italian versions of the Bible.
rom-biblBiblical LatinBiblical LatinThese names appear in the Latin Bible (the Vulgate).
nor-biblBiblical NorwegianBiblical NorwegianThese names appear in Norwegian versions of the Bible.
pol-biblBiblical PolishBiblical PolishThese names appear in Polish versions of the Bible.
por-biblBiblical PortugueseBiblical PortugueseThese names appear in Portuguese versions of the Bible.
rmn-biblBiblical RomanianBiblical RomanianThese names appear in Romanian versions of the Bible.
spa-biblBiblical SpanishBiblical SpanishThese names appear in Spanish versions of the Bible.
swe-biblBiblical SwedishBiblical SwedishThese names appear in Swedish versions of the Bible.
bodBodoBodoyBodo names are used by the Bodo people in Assam, India.
bncBontocBontocyBontoc names are used in the northern Philippines.
bosBosnianBosnianyBosnian names are used by the Bosniak people. For additional names, see Serbo-Croatian names, Arabic names and Turkish names.
brzBrazilianBrazilianyBrazilian names are used in the country of Brazil in South America.
breBretonBretonyBreton names are used in the region of Brittany in northwest France.
bre-mythBreton LegendBreton LegendThese names occur in Breton legends.
brt-anciBrythonicBrythonicyThese names were used by the Britons. See Old Celtic names for a broader list.
bdd-mythBuddhismBuddhismThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of Buddhism.
bugBugineseBugineseyBuginese names are used on the island of Sulawesi, a part of Indonesia.
bulBulgarianBulgarianyBulgarian names are used in the country of Bulgaria in southeastern Europe.
bnnBununBununyBunun names are used by the indigenous Bunun people of Taiwan.
burBurmeseBurmeseyBurmese names are used in Myanmar (Burma) in southeastern Asia.
bryBuryatBuryatyBuryat names are used by the Buryat people of eastern Russia.
crn-anciCarianCarianyCarian names were used by the ancient Carian people of Anatolia.
carCaribbeanCaribbeanyCaribbean names are used on the islands of the Caribbean Sea.
lite-cCarolingian CycleCarolingian CycleThese names are from the medieval tales of Charlemagne and his knights.
catCatalanCatalanyCatalan names are used in Catalonia in eastern Spain, as well as in other Catalan-speaking areas including Valencia, the Balearic Islands, and Andorra.
cat-bCatalan (Balearic)Balearic CatalanThese names are a subset of Catalan names used more often on the Balearic Islands.
cat-vCatalan (Valencian)Valencian CatalanThese names are a subset of Catalan names used more often in Valencia.
cauCaucasianCaucasianThese names are used by the various ethnic groups of the Caucasus, a region between Europe and Asia.
cau-mythCaucasian MythologyCaucasian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the various ethnic groups that inhabit the Caucasus, a region between Europe and Asia.
cebCebuanoCebuanoyCebuano names are used in the southern Philippines by speakers of Cebuano.
celCelticCelticyThese names are used by Celtic peoples.
cel-mythCeltic MythologyCeltic MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Celtic peoples. See Irish mythology and Welsh mythology for more specific lists.
afr-cCentral AfricanCentral AfricanyCentral African names include those from Angola, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equitorial Guinea, Gabon, and the Republic of the Congo.
amc-cCentral AmericanCentral AmericanyCentral American names include those from Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.
chgChagaChagayChaga names are used by the Chaga people of Tanzania.
chmChamChamyCham names are used by the Cham people of Cambodia and Vietnam.
chaChamorroChamorroyChamorro names are used by the Chamorro people of Guam and the Mariana Islands.
crrCharrúaCharrúayCharrúa names are used by the Charrúa peoples of Uruguay and Argentina.
ctnChatinoChatinoyChatino names are used by the Chatino people of southern Mexico.
cheChechenChechenyChechen names are used in Chechnya, a federal subject of Russia.
chkCherokeeCherokeeyCherokee names are used by the Cherokee people of the United States.
cewChewaChewayChewa names are used in Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique.
chyCheyenneCheyenneyCheyenne names are used by the Cheyenne people of the United States.
chwChickasawChickasawyChickasaw names are used by the Chickasaw people of the United States.
chnChinChinyChin names are used by the Chin people of western Myanmar (Chin State).
chiChineseChineseyyChinese names are used in China and in Chinese communities throughout the world. Note that depending on the Chinese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here.
chi-cChinese (Cantonese)CantoneseyCantonese names are used in southeast China (including Hong Kong and Macau). Note that depending on the Chinese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here.
chi-hChinese (Hakka)HakkayHakka names are used in southeast China. Note that depending on the Chinese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here.
chi-fChinese (Hokkien)HokkienyHokkien names are used in the Chinese province of Fujian and on Taiwan. Note that depending on the Chinese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here.
chi-bChinese (Min Bei)Min BeiyMin Bei names are used in parts of Fujian province in China. Note that depending on the Chinese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here.
chi-dChinese (Min Dong)Min DongyMin Dong names are used in parts of Fujian province in China. Note that depending on the Chinese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here.
chi-eChinese (Teochew)TeochewyTeochew names are used in the Chinese province of Guangdong by speakers of Teochew, a dialect of Chaoshan. Note that depending on the Chinese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here.
chi-wChinese (Wu)WuyWu names are used in Shanghai and the surrounding provinces. Note that depending on the Chinese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here.
chi-mythChinese MythologyChinese MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Chinese people.
chpChipewyanChipewyanyChipewyan names are used by the Chipewyan people of northern Canada.
chtChoctawChoctawyChoctaw names are used by the Choctaw people of Oklahoma and Mississippi.
ckcChukchiChukchiyChukchi names are used by the Chukchi people of northeastern Siberia.
chuChuukeseChuukeseyChuukese names are used on the island of Chuuk in Micronesia.
chvChuvashChuvashyChuvash names are used in Chuvashia, a federal subject of Russia.
cirCircassianCircassianyCircassian names are used in Circassia, part of the Caucasus region of Russia, by speakers of the Circassian languages of Adyghe and Kabardian.
may-anciClassic MayanClassic MayayThese names were used by the ancient Maya people of Mexico and Central America.
comComancheComancheyComanche names are used by the Comanche people of the southern United States.
cmrComorianComorianyComorian names are used on the islands of Comoros off eastern Africa.
cooCook Islands MaoriCook Islands MaoriyCook Islands Maori or Rarotongan names are used by the indigenous people of the Cook Islands.
copCopticCopticyThese names are used by Coptic Christians in Egypt.
cop-bCoptic (Bohairic)Bohairic CopticThese names were used by Bohairic-speaking Copts in Egypt.
cop-sCoptic (Sahidic)Sahidic CopticThese names were used by Sahidic-speaking Copts in Egypt.
corCornishCornishyCornish names were used in southwest England in the region around Cornwall.
crsCorsicanCorsicanyCorsican names are used on the French island of Corsica by speakers of Corsican (a language related to Italian).
creCreeCreeyCree names are used by the Cree people of Canada.
crkCreekCreekyCreek (or Muscogee) names are used by the Creek people of Florida and Oklahoma.
crlCreoleCreoleThese names are used by speakers of creole languages.
crtCrimean TatarCrimean TataryCrimean Tatar names are used by speakers of Crimean Tatar in Crimea.
croCroatianCroatianyCroatian names are used in the country of Croatia and other Croatian communities throughout the world.
cum-mediCumanCumanyThese names were used by the Cumans, a nomadic Turkic people.
czeCzechCzechyCzech names are used in the Czech Republic in central Europe.
dgbDagbaniDagbaniyDagbani names are used by the Dagomba people in northern Ghana.
dgsDagestaniDagestaniyDagestani names are used in Dagestan, a federal subject of Russia.
damDambroDambroyDambro names are used in southern Thailand.
danDanishDanishyDanish names are used in the country of Denmark in northern Europe.
drgDarginDarginyDargin names are used in Dagestan in Russia.
per-dDari PersianDari PersianyDari names are used in Afghanistan by speakers of Dari (the name for the Persian language in Afghanistan).
dtgDatoogaDatoogayDatooga names are used by the Datooga people of Tanzania.
dhiDhivehiDhivehiyDhivehi names are used by the Dhivehi people of the Maldives.
dinDinkaDinkayDinka names are used by the Dinka people of South Sudan.
dogDogriDogriyDogri names are used in northern India.
dlgDolganDolganyDolgan names are used by the Dolgan people of Siberia.
draDravidianDravidianyThese names are used by Dravidian peoples.
dunDunganDunganyDungan names are used by the Dungan people of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
dutDutchDutchyDutch names are used in the Netherlands and Flanders.
dut-aDutch (Antillean)Dutch (Antillean)yThese names are a subset of Dutch names used more often on the Antilles Islands of the Caribbean.
dut-sDutch (Surinamese)Surinamese DutchyThese names are a subset of Dutch names used more often in Suriname.
fri-eEast FrisianEast FrisianyEast Frisian names are used in East Frisia in northwestern Germany.
afr-eEastern AfricanEastern AfricanyEastern African names include those from Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.
edoEdoEdoyEdo names are used in Nigeria.
efiEfikEfikyEfik names are used by the Efik people of southeast Nigeria
eggEggonEggonyEggon names are used in central Nigeria.
egy-mythEgyptian MythologyEgyptian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies of the Ancient Egyptians.
ela-mythElamite MythologyElamite MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Elamite people.
emrEmilian-RomagnolEmilian-RomagnolyThese names are used in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy by speakers of the languages Emilian and Romagnol.
engEnglishEnglishyEnglish names are used in English-speaking countries.
eng-aEnglish (African)African EnglishyThese names are a subset of English names used more often in Africa (in regions where English is spoken as a second language).
eng-uEnglish (American)American EnglishyThese names are a subset of English names used more often in America.
eng-oEnglish (Australian)Australian EnglishyThese names are a subset of English names used more often in Australia.
eng-bEnglish (British)British EnglishyThese names are a subset of English names used more often in Britain.
eng-cEnglish (Canadian)Canadian EnglishyThese names are a subset of English names used more often in Canada.
eng-kEnglish (New Zealand)New Zealand EnglishyThese names are a subset of English names used more often in New Zealand.
eng-pEnglish (Puritan)English (Puritan)These names are a subset of English names that were used more often by the Puritans.
crl-eEnglish CreoleEnglish CreoleyEnglish creole names are used by speakers of English-based creole languages.
esaEsanEsanyEsan names are used in Nigeria.
espEsperantoEsperantoyEsperanto names are used by speakers of the planned language Esperanto.
estEstonianEstonianyEstonian names are used in the country of Estonia in northern Europe.
ethEthiopianEthiopianyEthiopian names are used in the country of Ethiopia in eastern Africa.
etr-anciEtruscanEtruscanyEtruscan names were used by the ancient Etruscan people of Italy.
etr-mythEtruscan MythologyEtruscan MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Etruscans.
eveEvenEvenyEven names are used by the Even people of Siberia.
evnEvenkiEvenkiyEvenki names are used by the Evenki people of Siberia and northern China.
eweEweEweyEwe names are used by the Ewe people of Ghana and Togo.
far-mythFar Eastern MythologyFar Eastern MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies of eastern Asia.
faeFaroeseFaroeseyFaroese names are used on the Faroe Islands.
fijFijianFijianyFijian names are used on the island nation of Fiji.
filFilipinoFilipinoyFilipino names are used on the island nation of the Philippines.
swe-fFinland SwedishFinland SwedishyThese names are a subset of Swedish names used more often in Finland by speakers of Finland Swedish.
finFinnishFinnishyFinnish names are used in the country of Finland in northern Europe.
fin-mythFinnish MythologyFinnish MythologyThese names occur in Finnish mythology.
fleFlemishFlemishyFlemish names are used in Flanders (the northern half of Belgium where Dutch is spoken).
myth-fFolkloreFolkloreThese names occur in folklore and fairy tales.
frpFranco-ProvençalFranco-ProvençalyFranco-Provençal names are used in eastern France, northern Italy and western Switzerland.
frk-anciFrankishFrankishyThese names were used by the Franks, a Germanic people who settled in France and the Low Countries.
freFrenchFrenchyFrench names are used in France and other French-speaking regions.
fre-nFrench (Acadian)Acadian FrenchyThese names are a subset of French names used more often in the province of New Brunswick in Canada.
fre-aFrench (African)African FrenchyThese names are a subset of French names used more often in Africa (in regions where French is spoken as a first or second language).
fre-bFrench (Belgian)Belgian FrenchyThese names are a subset of French names used more often in French-speaking southern Belgium.
fre-jFrench (Cajun)Cajun FrenchyThese names are a subset of French names used more often in the American state of Louisiana by Cajuns.
fre-cFrench (Caribbean)Caribbean FrenchyThese names are a subset of French names used more often in the French Caribbean.
fre-eFrench (European)European FrenchyThese names are a subset of French names used more often in Europe (that is, in France as opposed to overseas French-speaking regions).
fre-hFrench (Huguenot)French (Huguenot)These names are a subset of French names that were used more often by French Protestants.
fre-qFrench (Quebec)Quebec FrenchyThese names are a subset of French names used more often in the province of Quebec in Canada.
fre-sFrench (Swiss)Swiss FrenchyThese names are a subset of French names used more often in French-speaking regions of Switzerland.
crl-fFrench CreoleFrench CreoleyFrench creole names are used by speakers of French-based creole languages.
friFrisianFrisianyFrisian names are used in Friesland in the northern Netherlands and in East and North Frisia in northwestern Germany.
frlFriulianFriulianyFriulian names are used in the Friuli region of Italy by speakers of Friulian.
fulFulaFulayFula names are used by the Fula people of western Africa.
gaaGaGayGa names are used by the Ga people of Ghana.
gagGagauzGagauzyGagauz names are used by the Gagauz people of Moldova in eastern Europe.
galGalicianGalicianyGalician names are used in Galicia in northwestern Spain by speakers of Galician.
gloGalloGalloyGallo names are used in northwestern France by speakers of the language Gallo.
gamGamilaraayGamilaraayyGamilaraay names are used by the indigenous Gamilaraay people of eastern Australia.
ganGandaGandayGanda names are used by the Ganda people of Uganda.
garGaroGaroyGaro names are used by the Garo people of India and Bangladesh.
occ-bGasconGasconyGascon names are a subset of Occitan names used in Gascony in southwestern France.
gau-anciGaulishGaulishyThese names were used in ancient Gaul (modern France) by Gaulish people. See Old Celtic names for a broader list.
gau-mythGaulish MythologyGaulish MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Gauls, a Celtic people of continental Europe.
gayGayoGayoyGayo names are used by the Gayo people on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia.
geeGe'ezGe'ezyGeez names are used by adherents of the Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox Churches.
geoGeorgianGeorgianyGeorgian names are used in the country of Georgia in central Eurasia.
geo-mythGeorgian MythologyGeorgian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Georgian people.
gerGermanGermanyGerman names are used in Germany and other German-speaking areas such as Austria and Switzerland.
ger-tGerman (Austrian)Austrian GermanyThese names are a subset of German names used more often in Austria.
ger-bGerman (Bessarabian)Bessarabian GermanThese names are a subset of German names used more by Bessarabia Germans, who were German settlers in Bessarabia (modern Moldova and southern Ukraine).
ger-eGerman (East Prussian)East Prussian GermanThese names are a subset of German names used more by Germans from the historical region of East Prussia (now in Poland, Russia and Lithuania).
ger-pGerman (Silesian)Silesian GermanyThese names are a subset of German names used by speakers of Silesian German in the region of Silesia, eastern Germany. It is distinct from the Slavic Silesian language or dialect spoken in Poland and the Czech Republic.
ger-cGerman (Sudeten)Sudeten GermanThese names are a subset of German names used more by Sudeten Germans, who were Germans living in Bohemia and Moravia (modern Czechia). Most were expelled after the Second World War.
ger-sGerman (Swiss)Swiss GermanyThese names are a subset of German names used more often in Switzerland.
gmc-lateGermanicGermanicyThese names were used by speakers of Germanic languages in continental Europe (mainly Frankish, Old High German, Old Saxon, Old Dutch and Old Frisian).
gmc-mythGermanic MythologyGermanic MythologyThese names occur in Germanic mythologies and legends. Listed separately are Norse mythology names.
glkGilakiGilakiyGilaki names are used by the Gilaki people in northern Iran.
gno-mythGnosticismGnosticismThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of Gnosticism.
gorGoraniGoraniGorani (or Goranski) names are used by the Gorani people of Kosovo and Albania.
grtGorontaloGorontaloyGorontalo names are used by the Gorontalo people on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
got-anciGothicGothicyThese names were used by the Goths, an eastern Germanic people.
greGreekGreekyGreek names are used in the country of Greece and other Greek-speaking communities throughout the world.
gre-cGreek (Cypriot)Cypriot GreekyThese names are a subset of Greek names used more often in Cyprus.
gre-mythGreek MythologyGreek MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of ancient Greece.
grnGreenlandicGreenlandicyGreenlandic names are used by the indigenous people of Greenland.
gncGuancheGuancheyGuanche names are used by the indigenous Guanche people of the Canary Islands.
gnc-mythGuanche MythologyGuanche MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies of the aboriginal Guanche people of the Canary Islands.
guaGuaraniGuaraniyGuarani names are used by the Guarani people of South America.
gueGuernésiaisGuernésiaisyGuernésiais names are used on the island of Guernsey between Britain and France by speakers of Guernésiais.
gujGujaratiGujaratiyGujarati names are used in western India (in the state of Gujarat).
gurGuraniGuraniyGurani (or Gorani) names are used by Kurdish speakers of Gorani in Iraq and Iran.
gusGusiiGusiiyGusii names are used by the Gusii people of Kenya.
hdaHaidaHaidayHaida names are used on the island of Haida Gwaii, Canada.
haiHaitian CreoleHaitian CreoleyHaitian Creole names are used on the island nation of Haiti in the Caribbean.
hat-mythHattian MythologyHattian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the ancient Hattian people of Anatolia.
hauHausaHausayHausa names are used by the Hausa people of Nigeria and Niger.
hawHawaiianHawaiianyHawaiian names are used by the indigenous people of Hawaii.
hayHayaHayayHaya names are used in Tanzania by speakers of the Haya language.
hebHebrewHebrewyThese names are used by Hebrew speakers.
hilHiligaynonHiligaynonyHiligaynon names are used in the Philippines by speakers of Hiligaynon.
hinHindiHindiyHindi names are used in India by speakers of Hindi.
ind-mythHinduismHinduismThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of Hinduism.
histHistoryHistoryThese names are used primarily to refer to historical persons. They are not commonly used by other people.
hist-sHistory (Ecclesiastical)HistoryThese names are used primarily to refer to historical saints and other ecclesiastical figures. They are not commonly used by other people.
hit-anciHittiteHittiteyHittite names were used by the ancient Hittite people who inhabited Anatolia.
hit-mythHittite MythologyHittite MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the ancient Hittite people of Anatolia.
hmoHmongHmongyHmong names are used by the Hmong people in southeastern Asia.
hooHoHoyHo names are used in eastern India.
hopHopiHopiyHopi names are used by the Hopi people of Arizona.
huiHuiHuiHui names are used by the Hui people of China, followers of Islam.
hunHungarianHungarianyHungarian names are used in the country of Hungary in central Europe.
hun-mythHungarian MythologyHungarian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Hungarian people.
hrkHunsrikHunsrikyHunsrik names are used by speakers of Hunsrik German in Brazil.
hur-anciHurrianHurrianyHittite names were used by the ancient Hurrian people who inhabited northern Mesopotamia.
hur-mythHurrian MythologyHurrian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies of the Hurrian people.
ibaIbanIbanyIban names are used by the Iban people of Borneo.
ibiIbibioIbibioyIbibio names are used by the Ibibio people of Nigeria.
iceIcelandicIcelandicyIcelandic names are used on the island nation of Iceland.
idoIdomaIdomayIdoma names are used by the Idoma people of Nigeria.
igbIgboIgboyIgbo names are used by the Igbo people of Nigeria.
igb-mythIgbo MythologyIgbo MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Igbo people of Nigeria.
igeIgedeIgedeyIgede names are used by the Igede people of Nigeria.
ijaIjawIjawyIjaw names are used by the Ijaw people of Nigeria.
iloIlocanoIlocanoyIlocano names are used in the northern Philippines by speakers of Ilocano.
que-anciIncaInca QuechuayThese names were used in the Inca Empire.
que-mythInca MythologyInca MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Inca of South America.
indIndianIndianyIndian names are used in India and in Indian communities throughout the world.
ind-cIndian (Christian)Indian (Christian)These names are a subset of Indian names used more often by Indian Christians.
ind-iIndian (Muslim)Indian (Muslim)These names are a subset of Indian names used more often by Indian Muslims.
ind-pIndian (Parsi)Indian (Parsi)Parsi names are used by the Parsi people of India.
ind-sIndian (Sikh)Indian (Sikh)These names are a subset of Indian names used more often by Sikhs.
ameIndigenous AmericanIndigenous AmericanThese names are or were used by the various indigenous peoples who inhabit North and South America.
ausIndigenous AustralianIndigenous AustralianyThese names are used by the indigenous people of Australia, also called Aboriginal Australians.
aus-mythIndigenous Australian MythologyIndigenous Australian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the various indigenous peoples of Australia.
taiIndigenous TaiwaneseFormosanyThese names are used by the indigenous people of Taiwan, also called Formosans or Taiwanese Aborigines.
tasIndigenous TasmanianTasmanianyThese names are used by the indigenous people of Tasmania, also called Aboriginal Tasmanians.
insIndonesianIndonesianyIndonesian names are used on the island nation of Indonesia in southeast Asia.
ins-mythIndonesian MythologyIndonesian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the various peoples of Indonesia.
ingIngushIngushyIngush names are used in Ingushetia, a federal subject of Russia.
intInterlinguaInterlinguayInterlingua names are used by speakers of the constructed language Interlingua.
inuInuitInuktitutyInuit names are used by the Inuit people of the North American Arctic.
inu-mythInuit MythologyInuit MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Inuit peoples.
iptInupiatInupiaqyInupiat (or Inupiaq) names are used by the Inupiat people of northern Alaska.
iraIranianIranianyIranian names are used in the country of Iran in southwestern Asia.
iriIrishIrishyIrish names are used on the island of Ireland as well as elsewhere in the Western World as a result of the Irish diaspora.
iri-mythIrish MythologyIrish MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of Ireland.
iroIroquoisIroquoianyIroquois names are used by the Iroquois people of the United States and Canada.
isaIsanIsanyIsan names are used in northeastern Thailand.
isoIsokoIsokoyIsoko names are used by the Isoko people of southern Nigeria.
istIstriotIstriotyIstriot names are used by speakers of Istriot in Croatia.
itaItalianItalianyItalian names are used in Italy and other Italian-speaking regions such as southern Switzerland.
ita-sItalian (Swiss)Swiss ItalianyThese names are a subset of Italian names used more often in Switzerland.
ita-tItalian (Tuscan)Tuscan ItalianyThese names are a subset of Italian names used more often in Tuscany.
jghJaghamJaghamyJagham names are used in Cameroon and Nigeria.
jamJamaican PatoisJamaican PatoisyJamaican Patois names are used on the island nation of Jamaica in the Caribbean.
japJapaneseJapaneseyJapanese names are used in Japan and in Japanese communities throughout the world. Note that depending on the Japanese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here.
jap-mythJapanese MythologyJapanese MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Japanese people.
javJavaneseJavaneseyJavanese names are used on the island of Java, a part of Indonesia.
jerJèrriaisJèrriaisyJèrriais names are used on the island of Jersey between Britain and France by speakers of Jèrriais.
jewJewishJewishThese names are used by Jews. For more specific lists, see Hebrew names and Yiddish names.
jew-mythJewish LegendJewish LegendThese names occur in Jewish legends that are preserved outside of the Tanakh.
jolJolaJolayJola names are used in southern Senegal.
jew-nJudeo-Anglo-NormanJudeo-Anglo-NormanyJudeo-Anglo-Norman names were used by Norman Jews who came to England following the Norman Conquest, until they were officially expelled in 1290.
jew-aJudeo-ArabicJudeo-ArabicyJudeo-Arabic names were used by Jews living in the Arab world.
jew-cJudeo-CatalanJudeo-CatalanyJudeo-Catalan names were used by Jews living in Catalonia.
chr-mythJudeo-Christian-Islamic LegendJudeo-Christian-Islamic LegendThese names occur in Jewish, Christian or Islamic legends.
jew-fJudeo-FrenchJudeo-FrenchyJudeo-French names were used by Zarphatic-speaking Jews of northern France.
jew-gJudeo-GreekJudeo-GreekyJudeo-Greek (or Yevanic) names were used by Jews living in Catalonia.
jew-iJudeo-ItalianJudeo-ItalianyJudeo-Italian names are used by Jews in Italy and Corfu.
jew-pJudeo-ProvençalJudeo-ProvençalyJudeo-Provençal names were used by Jews in southern France.
jew-vJudeo-SlavicJudeo-SlavicyJudeo-Slavic (or Knaanic) names were used by Jews living in medieval Czechia and elsewhere in Slavic Europe.
jew-sJudeo-SpanishJudeo-SpanishyJudeo-Spanish (or Ladino) names are used by Sephardic Jews.
jew-tJudeo-TatJudeo-TatyJudeo-Tat (or Juhuri) names are used by Jews of the Caucasus (mainly in Azerbaijan and southern Russia).
kbdKabardianKabardianyKabardian names are used in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia in Russia.
kabKabyleKabyleyKabyle names are used by the Kabyle Berber people of Algeria.
kacKachinKachinyKachin names are used by the Kachin people of northern Myanmar and southwestern China.
kkiKaguruKaguluyKaguru names are used by the Kaguru people of Tanzania.
klsKalashaKalashayKalasha names are used in northern Pakistan by the Kalasha people.
klnKalenjinKalenjinyKalenjin names are used by the Kalenjin peoples of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
kalKalmykKalmykyKalmyk names are used in the Republic of Kalmykia, a part of Russia.
kanKannadaKannadayKannada names are used in western India.
kauKanuriKanuriyKanuri names are used by the Kanuri people of Nigeria, Niger and Chad.
kbaKarachay-BalkarKarachay-BalkaryKarachay-Balkar names are used by Karachay-Balkar speakers, mainly in the Russian republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia.
krkKarakalpakKarakalpakyKarakalpak names are used by the Karakalpak people of Uzbekistan.
karKarelianKarelianyKarelian names are used in Karelia in northwestern Russia.
krnKarenKarenyKaren names are used by the Karen people of Myanmar and Thailand.
kasKashmiriKashmiriyKashmiri names are used in northern India and Pakistan.
kshKashubianKashubianyKashubian names are used in northern Poland. Kashubian is sometimes considered a dialect of Polish.
ksnKassenaKassenayKassena names are used by the Kassena people of Ghana and Burkina Faso.
kayKayapoKayapoyKayapo names are used by the Kayapo people of Brazil.
kazKazakhKazakhyKazakh names are used in the country of Kazakhstan in central Eurasia.
kelKelabitKelabityKelabit names are used by the Kelabit people of Borneo.
kygKenyangKenyangyKenyang names are used in Cameroon.
ketKetKetyKet names are used by the Ket people of Siberia.
khaKhakasKhakasyKhakas names are used by the Khakas people of Siberia, mainly Khakassia.
khnKhantyKhantyyKhanty names are used by the Khanty people of Siberia.
khz-mediKhazarKhazaryThese names were used by the Khazars, a Turkic people of Eurasia.
khmKhmerKhmeryKhmer names are used in the country of Cambodia in southeastern Asia.
khoKhoekhoeKhoekhoeyKhoekhoe names are used by the Nama, Damara and Haiǁom people of Namibia, Botswana and South Africa.
kigKigaKigayKiga names are used by the Kiga people of southwestern Uganda and northern Rwanda.
kikKikuyuKikuyuyKikuyu names are used by the Kikuyu people of Kenya.
komKomiKomiyKomi names are used by speakers of Komi in northern Russia.
konKongoKongoyKongo names are used in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Congo and Angola.
knkKonkaniKonkaniyKonkani names are used in western India.
korKoreanKoreanyKorean names are used in South and North Korea. Note that depending on the Korean characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here.
kor-mythKorean MythologyKorean MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Korean people.
kryKoryakKoryakyKoryak names are used by the Koryak people of eastern Siberia.
kosKosovarKosovaryKosovar names are used by the people of Kosovo, a partially-recognized country in southeastern Europe. See also Albanian names.
koyKoyra ChiiniKoyra ChiiniyKoyra Chiini names are used by speakers of this language in Mali.
kumKumykKumykyKumyk names are used by speakers of Kumyk in Dagestan in Russia.
kurKurdishKurdishyKurdish names are used by the Kurdish people of the Middle East.
kutKutchiKutchiyKutchi names are used in western India (in the Kutch region of Gujarat).
kveKvenKvenyKven names are used in northern Norway by the Kven people.
kyrKyrgyzKyrgyzyKyrgyz names are used in the country of Kyrgyzstan in central Eurasia.
ladLadakhiLadakhiyLadakhi names are used by speakers of Ladakhi in Kashmir, northern India.
ldnLadinLadinyLadin names are used in northern Italy by speakers of Ladin.
lakLakLakyLak names are used by Lak speakers in Dagestan, a republic of Russia.
laoLaoLaoyLao names are used in the country of Laos in southeastern Asia.
gre-lateLate GreekLate GreekLate Greek names were used in the early Christian Byzantine Empire. They formed after Ancient Greek names.
rom-lateLate RomanLate LatinLate Roman names were used in the early Christian Roman Empire. They formed after Ancient Roman names.
latLatvianLatvianyLatvian names are used in the country of Latvia in northern Europe.
lazLazLazyLaz names are used by speakers of Laz in the country of Georgia.
lenLenapeLenapeyLenape names are used by the Lenape (also called Delaware) people of the eastern United States.
occ-lLengadocianLengadocianyLengadocian names are a subset of Occitan names used by speakers of the Lengadocian dialect in southern France.
lezLezginLezgianyLezgin names are used by Lezgian speakers in Dagestan, a republic of Russia.
ligLigurianLigurianyLigurian names are used in the Liguria region of northwestern Italy by speakers of Ligurian.
limLimburgishLimburgishyLimburgish names are used in the Limburg region, which straddles the border between Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.
linLingalaLingalayLingala names are used in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo.
liteLiteratureLiteratureThese names occur primarily in literature. They are not commonly given to real people.
lthLithuanianLithuanianyLithuanian names are used in the country of Lithuania in northern Europe.
livLivonianLivonianyLivonian names are used by the Livonian people of Latvia.
lomLombardLombardyLombard names are used in northern Italy and southern Switzerland by speakers of the Romance language Lombard.
lmc-anciLombardicLombardicyThese names were used by the Lombards, a Germanic people who came to settle in northern Italy.
louLouisiana CreoleLouisiana CreoleyLouisiana Creole names are used in the southern United States by the Louisiana Creole people.
saxLow GermanLow GermanyThese names are used in northern Germany and the eastern Netherlands where Low German is spoken. See also German names.
lubLubaLubayLuba names are used by the Luba people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
luhLuhyaLuhyayLuhya names are used by the Luhya people of western Kenya.
lunLundaLundayLingala names are used in Zambia and Angola.
luoLuoLuoyLuo names are used by the Luo people of Kenya.
luw-anciLuwianLuwianyLuwian names were used by the ancient Luwian people who inhabited Anatolia.
luw-mythLuwian MythologyLuwian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the ancient Luwian people of Anatolia.
luxLuxembourgishLuxembourgishyLuxembourgish names are used in the small European country of Luxembourg.
masMaasaiMaasaiyMaasai names are used by the Maasai people of Kenya and Tanzania.
macMacedonianMacedonianyMacedonian names are used in the country of North Macedonia in southeastern Europe.
mdiMadíMadíyMadí (or Jamamadí) names are used by the Madí people of western Brazil.
mdrMadureseMadureseyMadurese names are used on the island of Madura in Indonesia.
magMaguindanaoMaguindanaoyMaguindanao names are used in the Philippines by speakers of Maguindanao.
maiMaithiliMaithiliyMaithili names are used in eastern India and Nepal.
makMakassareseMakassareseyMakassarese names are used by the Makassar people on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
madMalagasyMalagasyyMalagasy names are used of the island nation of Madagascar on the eastern coast of Africa.
mlyMalayMalayyMalay names are used in Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, and Thailand.
mlmMalayalamMalayalamyMalayalam names are used in southern India.
mlsMalaysianMalaysianyMalaysian names are used in the country of Malaysia in southeast Asia.
malMalteseMalteseyMaltese names are used on the island of Malta.
mncManchuManchuyManchu names are used by the Manchu people of northern China.
mdnMandaeanMandaicyMandaean names are used by the Mandaean people (followers of Mandaeism) who originate in Iraq and Iran.
mdeMandeMandeyMande names are used by the Mandé peoples of western Africa.
mndMandingMandingyManding names are used by speakers of Manding languages (including Bambara, Mandinka, Dyula and Maninka) in western Africa.
mnpManipuriManipuriyManipuri (or Meitei) names are used in northeastern India.
mnjManjakManjakyManjak names are used in Guinea-Bissau and Senegal.
mnsMansiMansiyMansi names are used by the Mansi people of Siberia.
manManxManxyManx names are used on the Isle of Man.
mnaMaoMaoyMao names are used in northeastern India.
maoMaoriMaoriyMaori names are used by the indigenous people of New Zealand, the Maori.
mapMapucheMapudungunyMapuche names are used by the Mapuche people of Chile and Argentina.
mrnMaranaoMaranaoyMaranao names are used in the Philippines by speakers of Maranao.
mrtMarathiMarathiyMarathi names are used by the Marathi people in western India.
marMariMariyMari names are used by the Mari peoples of the Mari Republic in Russia.
mshMarshalleseMarshalleseyMarshallese names are used on the Marshall Islands in the western Pacific.
mauMauritian CreoleMauritian CreoleyMauritian Creole names are used on the island nation of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.
mayMayanMayanyMayan names are used by the Maya people of Mexico and Central America.
may-mythMayan MythologyMayan MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Maya people.
mznMazanderaniMazanderaniyMazanderani names are used by the Mazanderani people in northern Iran.
mbaMbamaMbamayMbama names are used in the Republic of Congo and Gabon.
mbuMbunduMbunduyMbundu names are used in Angola by the Mbundu people.
mediMedievalMedievalThese names were used in medieval times.
ara-mediMedieval ArabicMedieval ArabicThese names were used by medieval Arabs.
ara-medi-iMedieval Arabic (Moorish)Medieval Moorish ArabicThese names were used by medieval Moors in Iberia or North Africa.
blt-mediMedieval BalticMedieval BalticyThese names were used by medieval Baltic peoples.
bas-mediMedieval BasqueMedieval BasqueyThese names were used by medieval Basque speakers.
bre-mediMedieval BretonMedieval BretonThese names were used by medieval Breton peoples.
cat-mediMedieval CatalanMedieval CatalanyThese names were used by medieval Catalan peoples.
cor-mediMedieval CornishMedieval CornishThese names were used by medieval Cornish speakers.
crs-mediMedieval CorsicanMedieval CorsicanThese names were used by medieval Corsican peoples.
cro-mediMedieval CroatianMedieval CroatianThese names were used by medieval Croatian peoples.
cze-mediMedieval CzechOld CzechThese names were used by medieval Czech peoples.
dut-mediMedieval DutchMedieval DutchyThese names were used by medieval Dutch peoples.
eng-mediMedieval EnglishMiddle EnglishyThese names were used by medieval English peoples.
fnc-mediMedieval FinnicMedieval FinnicyThese names were used by medieval Finnic peoples.
fin-mediMedieval FinnishMedieval FinnishThese names were used by medieval Finnish peoples.
fle-mediMedieval FlemishMedieval FlemishThese names were used by medieval Flemish peoples.
fre-mediMedieval FrenchOld FrenchyThese names were used by medieval French peoples.
gal-mediMedieval GalicianMedieval GalicianThese names were used by medieval Galician peoples.
geo-mediMedieval GeorgianMedieval GeorgianThese names were used by medieval peoples from the country of Georgia in central Eurasia.
ger-mediMedieval GermanMedieval GermanyThese names were used by medieval German peoples.
hun-mediMedieval HungarianOld HungarianyThese names were used by medieval Hungarian peoples.
iri-mediMedieval IrishMedieval IrishThese names were used by medieval Irish peoples.
ita-mediMedieval ItalianMedieval ItalianThese names were used by medieval Italian peoples.
ita-medi-tMedieval Italian (Tuscan)Medieval Tuscan ItalianThese names were used by medieval Italian peoples in Tuscany.
jew-mediMedieval JewishMedieval JewishThese names were used by medieval Jewish peoples.
rom-mediMedieval LatinMedieval LatinyMedieval Latin names were used in the Middle Ages by users of Latin, which at this point was mainly a scholarly and liturgical language.
sax-mediMedieval Low GermanMedieval Low GermanyThese names were used by medieval Low German speakers.
mon-mediMedieval MongolianMedieval MongolianyThese names were used by medieval Mongolian peoples.
occ-mediMedieval OccitanMedieval OccitanyThese names were used by medieval Occitan speakers.
pol-mediMedieval PolishOld PolishyThese names were used by medieval Polish peoples.
por-mediMedieval PortugueseMedieval PortugueseThese names were used by medieval Portuguese peoples.
rmn-mediMedieval RomanianOld RomanianyThese names were used by medieval Romanian peoples.
rsh-mediMedieval RomanshMedieval RomanshyThese names were used by medieval Romansh peoples.
rus-mediMedieval RussianOld RussianyThese names were used by medieval Russian peoples.
sar-mediMedieval SardinianMedieval SardinianyThese names were used by medieval Sardinian peoples.
sca-mediMedieval ScandinavianMedieval ScandinavianThese names were used by medieval Scandinavian peoples.
sco-mediMedieval ScottishMedieval ScottishThese names were used by medieval Scottish peoples.
ser-mediMedieval SerbianMedieval SerbianThese names were used by medieval Serbian peoples.
sla-mediMedieval SlavicMedieval SlavicyyThese names were used by medieval Slavic peoples.
spa-mediMedieval SpanishMedieval SpanishyThese names were used by medieval Spanish peoples.
trc-mediMedieval TurkicMedieval TurkicyThese names were used by medieval Turkic peoples.
ukr-mediMedieval UkrainianOld RuthenianyThese names were used by medieval Ukrainian peoples.
wln-mediMedieval WalloonMedieval WalloonyThese names were used by medieval Walloon peoples.
wel-mediMedieval WelshMedieval WelshThese names were used by medieval Welsh peoples.
melMelanesianMelanesianThese names are used in on the islands of Melanesia in the western Pacific Ocean.
memMemoniMemoniyMemoni names are used in Gujarat in western India.
menMendeMendeyMende names are used by the Mende people of Sierra Leone.
mniMenomineeMenomineeyMenominee names are used by the Menominee people from the state of Wisconsin in the United States.
mer-anciMeroiticMeroiticyMeroitic names were used in the ancient Kingdom of Kush (modern Sudan).
merMeruMeruyMeru names are used by the Meru people of Kenya.
mexMexicanMexicanyMexican names are used in the country of Mexico in southern North America.
mikMi'kmaqMi'kmaqyMikmaq names are used by the Mikmaq people of eastern Canada and the United States.
micMicronesianMicronesianyThese names are used in on the islands of Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean.
per-lateMiddle PersianMiddle PersianyThese names were used in Persia during the Middle Persian era (the Sasanian Empire).
mnhMinahasanMinahasanyMinahasan names are used by the Minahasan people on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
minMinangkabauMinangkabauyMinangkabau names are used on the island of Sumatra, a part of Indonesia.
mngMingrelianMingrelianyMingrelian names are used by speakers of Mingrelian in the country of Georgia.
miwMiwokMiwokyMiwok names are used by speakers of Miwok languages in California.
mizMizoMizoyMizo names are used in the eastern Indian state of Mizoram and western Myanmar.
modnModernModernThese names are used in a modern context.
mohMohawkMohawkyThese names are used by the Mohawk (Kanienkehaka) people of New York, Ontario and Quebec. Mohawk children are traditionally given a name that is unique to their community, and it is not reused while the bearer is alive. It is considered inappropriate for outsiders to use these names.
molMoldovanMoldovanyMoldovan names are used in the country of Moldova in eastern Europe.
mlcMoluccanMoluccanyMoluccan names are used by the Moluccan people on the Maluku Islands in eastern Indonesia.
mnwMonMonyMon names are used by the Mon people of Myanmar and Thailand.
monMongolianMongolianyMongolian names are used in the country of Mongolia in central Asia.
mntMontenegrinMontenegrinyMontenegrin names are used by the people of Montenegro, a country in southeastern Europe. See also Serbo-Croatian names.
morMordvinMordvinyMordvin names are used by speakers of Mordvin languages (Erzya and Moksha) in Mordovia, Russia.
mrrMorioriMorioriyMoriori names were used by the Moriori people of the Chatham Islands, part of New Zealand.
mormMormonMormonThese names occur in the Book of Mormon.
mosMossiMossiyMossi names are used by the Mossi people of Burkina Faso.
islMuslimMuslimThese names are used by Muslims.
mwaMwangaMwangayMwanga names are used by the Mwanga people of Zambia and Tanzania.
mweMweraMwerayMwera names are used by the Mwera people of Tanzania.
mythMythologyMythologyThese names occur in mythology and religion.
nahNahuatlNahuatlyNahuatl names are used by the Nahua peoples of Mexico and Central America.
nanNanaiNanaiyNanai names are used by the Nanai people of eastern Russia.
narNarragansettNarragansettyNarragansett names are used by the Narragansett people of Rhode Island.
nauNauruanNauruanyNauruan names are used on the island nation of Nauru.
navNavajoNavajoyNavajo names are used by the Navajo people of the southwestern United States.
ndeNdebeleNdebeleyNdebele names are used by the Ndebele people of South Africa and Zimbabwe.
napNeapolitanNeapolitanyNeapolitan names are a subset of Italian names used in southern Italy in the area around Campania.
nea-mythNear Eastern MythologyNear Eastern MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies of the Near East. That is, the mythologies of the Sumerians, Akkadians, Hittites, Babylonians, Phoenicians and others. Listed separately are Egyptian mythology names and Persian mythology names.
nenNenetsNenetsyNenets names are used by the Nenets people of northern Russia.
nepNepaliNepaliyNepali names are used in the country of Nepal in southern Asia.
ame-mythNew World MythologyNew World MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the various indigenous peoples who inhabited North and South America.
nwrNewarNewaryNewar names are used in the country of Nepal by the Newar people.
ngnNganasanNganasanyNganasan names are used by the Nganasan people of northern Siberia.
ngiNgarrindjeriNgarrindjeriyNgarrindjeri names are used by the indigenous Ngarrindjeri people of southern Australia.
ngaNgasNgasyNgas names are used by the Ngas people of Nigeria.
nguNguniNguniyThese name are used by speakers of Nguni languages.
niaNiasNiasyNias names are used on the island of Nias, a part of Indonesia.
occ-nNiçardNiçardyNiçard names are a subset of Occitan names used in Nice in southern France.
nigNigerianNigerianyNigerian names are used in the country of Nigeria in western Africa.
nivNivkhNivkhyNivkh names are used by the Nivkh people of eastern Russia.
nkoNkoreNkoreyNkore names are used by the Nkore people of southwestern Uganda.
nobNobiinNobiinyNobiin names are used by speakers of Nobiin in Egypt and Sudan.
nogNogaiNogaiyNogai names are used by speakers of Nogai in the Caucasus region of southwestern Russia.
nrmNormanNormanyNorman names are used in Normandy in northeastern France and on the British Channel Islands by speakers of Norman (a language related to French).
sca-mythNorse MythologyNorse MythologyThese names occur in Norse mythologies and legends.
fri-nNorth FrisianNorth FrisianyNorth Frisian names are used in North Frisia in northern Germany.
afr-nNorthern AfricanNorthern AfricanyNorthern African names include those from Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara.
iri-nNorthern IrishNorthern IrishyNorthern Irish names are used in Northern Ireland, a part of the United Kingdom.
tha-nNorthern ThaiNorthern ThaiyThese names are used by speakers of the Northern Thai language.
norNorwegianNorwegianyNorwegian names are used in the country of Norway in northern Europe.
nseNsengaNsengayNsenga names are used in Zambia and Mozambique.
nueNuerNueryNuer names are used by the Nuer people of South Sudan.
nuuNuu-chah-nulthNuu-chah-nulthyNuu-chah-nulth names are used on Vancouver Island, Canada.
nyyNyakyusaNyakyusayNyakyusa names are used in Tanzania and Malawi.
nyaNyamweziNyamweziyNyamwezi names are used by the Nyamwezi people of Tanzania.
nyoNyoroNyoroyNyoro names are used by the Nyoro people of western Uganda.
nyuNyungarNyungaryNyungar names are used by the indigenous Nyungar people of western Australia.
obscObscureObscureThese names are very rare and cannot be said to "belong" to any one culture. They are put here because they cannot be categorized anywhere else.
occOccitanOccitanyOccitan names are used in southern France and parts of Spain and Italy by speakers of Occitan.
odiOdiaOdiayOdia or Oriya names are used in eastern India (in the state of Odisha).
ogoOgoniOgoniyOgoni names are used by the Ogoni people of southern Nigeria.
ojiOjibweOjibweyOjibwe names are used by the Ojibwe (or Chippewa) people of Canada and the United States.
okiOkinawanOkinawanyOkinawan names are used on the Japanese island of Okinawa.
cel-anciOld CelticOld CelticyThese names were used by the Celtic peoples who occupied Europe and the British Isles.
sla-biblOld Church SlavicOld Church SlavicyThese names appear in the Church Slavic Bible.
dan-mediOld DanishOld DanishThese names were used by medieval Danish people.
dut-anciOld DutchOld DutchyThese names were used by speakers of Old Dutch in the Low Countries.
fri-anciOld FrisianOld FrisianyThese names were used by speakers of Old Frisian in what is now the northern Netherlands and northwestern Germany.
gmc-anciOld GermanicOld GermanicyThese names were used by the Germanic peoples of Europe.
ger-anciOld High GermanOld High GermanyThese names were used by speakers of Old High German in southern Germany.
iri-anciOld IrishOld IrishyThese names were used by speakers of Old Irish. See Old Celtic names for a broader list.
nrm-mediOld NormanOld NormanyOld Norman names were used by the Normans in northwestern France.
sca-anciOld NorseOld NorseyThese names were used by speakers of Old Norse in Scandinavia and other places that the Norse settled.
nor-mediOld NorwegianOld NorwegianThese names were used by medieval Norwegian people.
per-anciOld PersianOld PersianyThese names were used in ancient Persia.
sax-anciOld SaxonOld SaxonyThese names were used by speakers of Old Saxon in the Low Countries.
sla-anciOld SlavicOld SlavicyThese names were used by the ancient Slavic peoples of Europe.
swe-mediOld SwedishOld SwedishThese names were used by medieval Swedish people.
wel-anciOld WelshOld WelshyThese names were used by speakers of Old Welsh. See Old Celtic names for a broader list.
omaOmaha-PoncaOmaha-PoncayOmaha-Ponca names are used by the Omaha and Ponca peoples of Oklahoma and Nebraska.
oneOneidaOneidayOneida names are used by the Oneida people of New York, Wisconsin and Ontario.
oroOromoOromoyOromo names are used in Ethiopia.
ossOssetianOssetianyOssetian names are used in Ossetia, which is a region split by Russia and Georgia.
oss-mythOssetian MythologyOssetian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies of the Ossetian people of the Caucasus.
tur-oOttoman TurkishOttoman TurkishyOttoman Turkish names were used in the Ottoman Empire.
ovaOvamboOvamboyOvambo names are used by the Ovambo people of Namibia and Angola (speakers of Ndonga and Kwanyama).
paiPaiutePaiutePaiute names are used by the Paiute people of the United States.
pwnPaiwanPaiwanyPaiwan names are used by the indigenous Paiwan people of Taiwan.
pakPakistaniPakistaniyPakistani names are used in the country of Pakistan in southern Asia. Compare also Indian names.
pamPampanganPampanganyPampangan names are used in the Philippines by speakers of Pampangan.
pagPangasinanPangasinanyPangasinan names are used in the Philippines by speakers of Pangasinan.
ppmPapiamentoPapiamentoyPapiamento names are used on the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Curaçao and Bonaire.
papPapuanPapuanyPapuan names are used on the island of New Guinea and some of the surrounding islands.
parParePareyPare names are used in Tanzania by speakers of the Pare language.
pth-anciParthianParthianyThese names were used in ancient Parthia.
pasPashtoPashtoyPashto names are used in Afghanistan and northwestern Pakistan.
pawPawneePawneeyPawnee names are used by the Pawnee people of Oklahoma.
perPersianPersianyPersian names are used in the country of Iran, in southwestern Asia, which is part of the Muslim world.
per-mythPersian MythologyPersian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of Persia, including Zoroastrianism.
petsPetPetThese names are most commonly given to pets: dogs, cats, etc.
fil-mythPhilippine MythologyPhilippine MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends prevalent in the Philippines before the country was Christianized.
pho-anciPhoenicianPhoenicianyThese names were used in ancient Phoenicia on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, as well as in the Carthaginian Empire.
pcdPicardPicardyPicard names are used in northern France by speakers of Picard (a language closely related to French).
pic-anciPictishPictishyThese names were used by the Picts of northern Britain.
pidPiedmontesePiedmonteseyPiedmontese names are used in the Piedmont region of northwestern Italy by speakers of Piedmontese.
pinPintupiPintupiyPintupi names are used by the indigenous Pintupi people of central Australia.
pitPitjantjatjaraPitjantjatjarayPitjantjatjara names are used by the indigenous Pitjantjatjara people of central Australia.
plbPolabianPolabianyPolabian names were used in eastern Germany by the Polabian Slavs (who spoke a language that is now extinct).
polPolishPolishyPolish names are used in the country of Poland in central Europe.
pacPolynesianPolynesianyThese names are used on the various Polynesian islands of the Pacific.
pac-mythPolynesian MythologyPolynesian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the various islands of the Pacific.
pom-mediPomeranianPomeranianyThese names were used by medieval Pomeranian peoples.
popuPopular CulturePopular CultureThese names occur primarily in popular culture and entertainment. They are not commonly given to real people.
porPortuguesePortugueseyPortuguese names are used in Portugal, Brazil and other Portuguese-speaking areas.
por-aPortuguese (African)African PortugueseyThese names are a subset of Portuguese names used more often in Africa (in regions where Portuguese is spoken as a first or second language).
por-bPortuguese (Brazilian)Brazilian PortugueseyThese names are a subset of Portuguese names used more often in Brazil.
por-ePortuguese (European)European PortugueseyThese names are a subset of Portuguese names used more often in Europe (that is, in Portugal as opposed to Brazil).
crl-pPortuguese CreolePortuguese CreoleyPortuguese creole names are used by speakers of Portuguese-based creole languages.
powPowhatanPowhatanyPowhatan names are used by the Powhatan people of the eastern United States.
occ-pProvençalProvençalyProvençal names are a subset of Occitan names used in the region of Provence in southeast France.
pru-mediPrussianOld PrussianyPrussian names were used by speakers of Old Prussian in Prussia, on the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea.
punPunjabiPunjabiyPunjabi names are used in the Punjab region of India and Pakistan.
pnuPunuPunuyPunu names are used by the Punu people in Gabon.
tarPurépechaPurépechayPurépecha names are used by the Purépecha people of central Mexico.
pyuPuyumaPuyumayPuyuma names are used by the indigenous Puyuma people of Taiwan.
queQuechuaQuechuayQuechua names are used by the Quechua people of South America.
radRadeRadeyRade names are used in the country of Vietnam in southeastern Asia.
rajRajasthaniRajasthaniyRajasthani names are used in western India (in the state of Rajasthan).
rapRapa NuiRapa NuiyRapa Nui names are used by the people of Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island.
rom-mythRoman MythologyRoman MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Romans.
rmiRomaniRomaniyRomani names are used by the Romani, a nomadic people who live mainly in Europe and the Americas.
rmi-cRomani (Caló)CalóyThese names are a subset of Romani names used more often by speakers of Caló in Spain and Portugal.
rmnRomanianRomanianyRomanian names are used in the countries of Romania and Moldova in eastern Europe.
rshRomanshRomanshyRomansh names are used by Romansh speakers in eastern Switzerland.
rotRotumanRotumanyRotuman names are used on the island of Rotuma, a part of Fiji.
runRundiRundiyRundi names are used in Burundi by speakers of Rundi.
rusRussianRussianyRussian names are used in the country of Russia and in Russian-speaking communities throughout the world.
rsyRusynRusynyRusyn names are used by speakers of the Rusyn language in Central and Eastern Europe.
rutRutulRutulyRutul names are used by the Rutul people of Dagestan, a republic of Russia.
rwaRwandanRwandanyRwandan names are used in Rwanda by speakers of Kinyarwanda.
szySakizayaSakizayaySakizaya names are used by the indigenous Sakizaya people of Taiwan.
salSalishanSalishanySalishan names are used by the Salish people of the western United States and Canada.
smaSama-BajauSama-BajauSama-Bajau names are used by the Sama-Bajau people of the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia.
smtSamaritanSamaritanSamaritan names are used by the Samaritans, a small ethnoreligious group living in Israel and Palestine.
samSamiSamiySami names are used by the Sami people who inhabit northern Scandinavia.
sam-sSami (Skolt)Skolt SamiySkolt Sami names are used by the Skolts in northern Finland.
sam-mythSami MythologySami MythologyThese names occur in Sami mythology.
smnSamoanSamoanySamoan names are used on the Samoan Islands.
san-mythSan MythologySan MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the San people of southern Africa.
ind-anciSanskritSanskritySanskrit names were used in ancient India by Sanskrit speakers.
sntSantaliSantaliySantali names are used in eastern India.
sarSardinianSardinianySardinian names are used on the Italian island of Sardinia by speakers of Sardinian.
sasSasakSasakySasak names are used by the Sasak people on the island of Lombok in Indonesia.
scaScandinavianScandinavianyScandinavian names are used in the Scandinavia region of northern Europe. For more specific lists, see Swedish names, Danish names and Norwegian names.
sctScotsScotsyScots names are used by speakers of the Scots language.
scoScottishScottishyScottish names are used in the country of Scotland as well as elsewhere in the Western World as a result of the Scottish diaspora.
sco-gScottish GaelicScottish GaelicyThese names are used by Scottish Gaelic speakers.
scy-anciScythianScythianyScythian names were used by the ancient Scythian peoples who inhabited the Eurasian steppe.
seeSeediqSeediqySeediq names are used by the indigenous Seediq people of Taiwan.
selSelkupSelkupySelkup names are used by the Selkup people of northern Siberia.
sem-mythSemitic MythologySemitic MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies of the Semitic-speaking peoples of the ancient Near East. See also Near Eastern mythology names for a broader list.
senSenecaSenecaySeneca names are used by the Seneca people of New York, Oklahoma and Ontario.
serSerbianSerbianySerbian names are used in the country of Serbia in southeastern Europe.
sbcSerbo-CroatianSerbo-CroatianyThese names are used in Serbia, Croatia, and other parts of the former Yugoslavia. For more specific lists, see Serbian names and Croatian names.
srrSererSererySerer names are used by the Serer people of Senegal.
shnShanShanyShan names are used by the Shan people of Myanmar.
shaShawneeShawneeyShawnee names are used by the Shawnee people of Oklahoma.
shpShipibo-ConiboShipibo-ConiboyShipibo-Conibo names are used by the Shipibo-Conibo people of Peru.
shoShonaShonayShona names are used by the Shona people of Zimbabwe.
shrShorShoryShor names are used by the Shor people of the Kemerovo Oblast, Russia.
shhShoshoneShoshoneyShoshone names are used by the Shoshone people of Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and Idaho.
shuShuarShuaryShuar names are used by the Shuar people of Ecuador and Peru.
sibSiberianSiberianyThese names are or were used by the indigenous peoples of Siberia in northeastern Asia.
sib-mythSiberian MythologySiberian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the indigenous peoples who inhabit Siberia.
sicSicilianSicilianyThese names are a subset of Italian names used more often by speakers of Sicilian.
sidSidamoSidamoySidamo or Sidama names are used in Ethiopia by the Sidama people.
sikSiksikaSiksikaySiksika (or Blackfoot) names are used by the Blackfoot people of Alberta and Montana.
silSilesianSilesianySilesian names are used in western Poland and the Czech Republic. Silesian is usually considered a dialect of Polish or Czech. It is distinct from German Silesian.
sndSindhiSindhiySindhi names are used in the Sindh region of Pakistan, as well as in India.
sinSinhaleseSinhaleseySinhalese names are used by the Sinhalese people of Sri Lanka.
sioSiouxSiouxySioux names are used by the Sioux (Lakota and Dakota) people of the central United States and Canada.
slaSlavicSlavicyThese names are used by Slavic peoples.
sla-mythSlavic MythologySlavic MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Slavic peoples.
slkSlovakSlovakySlovak names are used in the country of Slovakia in central Europe.
slnSloveneSloveneySlovene names are used in the country of Slovenia in central Europe.
somSomaliSomaliySomali names are used in the countries of Somalia, Ethiopia and Djibouti in eastern Africa.
sngSonghaiSonghaiyySonghai names are used by speakers of Songhai languages in Mali, Niger, and other countries of Western Africa.
sorSorbianSorbianySorbian names are used in Lusatia in eastern Germany by speakers of Sorbian, a Slavic language.
sotSothoSothoySotho names are used by the Sotho people of Lesotho and South Africa.
rsaSouth AfricanSouth AfricanyThese name are used in the Republic of South Africa.
amc-sSouth AmericanSouth AmericanySouth American names include those from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
sla-sSouth SlavicSouth SlavicyThese names are used in regions that use South Slavic languages.
afr-sSouthern AfricanSouthern AfricanySouthern African names include those from Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
sovSovietSovietySoviet names were used in the countries that were part of the Soviet Union. They were primarily used during its existence, which was from 1922 to 1991.
spaSpanishSpanishySpanish names are used in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries (such as those in South America).
spa-aSpanish (African)African SpanishyThese names are a subset of Spanish names used more often in Africa (in regions where Spanish is spoken as a first or second language, notably Equatorial Guinea).
spa-ySpanish (Canarian)Canarian SpanishyThese names are a subset of Spanish names used more often on the Canary Islands.
spa-cSpanish (Caribbean)Caribbean SpanishyThese names are a subset of Spanish names used more often in the Spanish Caribbean.
spa-eSpanish (European)European SpanishyThese names are a subset of Spanish names used more often in Europe (that is, in Spain as opposed to overseas Spanish-speaking regions).
spa-sSpanish (Latin American)Latin American SpanishyThese names are a subset of Spanish names used more often in Latin America.
spa-nSpanish (Mexican)Mexican SpanishyThese names are a subset of Spanish names used more often in Mexico.
spa-fSpanish (Philippines)Filipino SpanishyThese names are a subset of Spanish names used more often in the Philippines.
sum-anciSumerianSumerianyThese names were used in ancient Sumer.
sum-mythSumerian MythologySumerian MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies of the Sumerians, an ancient people of Mesopotamia. See also Near Eastern mythology names for a broader list.
sunSundaneseSundaneseySundanese names are used by the Sundanese people on the island of Java in Indonesia.
svaSvanSvanySvan names are used by speakers of Svan in the country of Georgia.
swaSwahiliSwahiliySwahili names are used by Swahili speakers in eastern Africa.
swzSwaziSwaziySwazi names are used by the Swazi people of Swaziland and South Africa.
sweSwedishSwedishySwedish names are used in the country of Sweden in northern Europe.
swiSwissSwissySwiss names are used in the country of Switzerland in central Europe.
tabTabasaranTabasaranyTabasaran names are used by the Tabasaran people of Dagestan, a republic of Russia.
tagTagalogTagalogyTagalog names are used in the Philippines.
tahTahitianTahitianyTahitian names are used in French Polynesia (part of which is the island of Tahiti).
tnoTaínoTaínoyTaíno names are used in the Caribbean.
chi-tTaiwaneseTaiwanese HokkienyTaiwanese names are used in Fujian in China and Taiwan. Note that depending on the Chinese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here.
tajTajikTajik PersianyTajik names are used in the country of Tajikistan in central Asia.
tlyTalyshTalyshyTalysh names are used by the Talysh people of northern Iran and southern Azerbaijan.
tamTamilTamilyTamil names are used in southern India and Sri Lanka.
tatTatarTataryTatar names are used in Tatarstan in Russia.
ttiTatiTatiyTati names are used by the Tat people of northern Iran.
tauTausugTausugyTausug names are used in the Philippines by speakers of Tausug.
telTeluguTeluguyTelugu names are used in eastern India.
thaThaiThaiyThai names are used in the country of Thailand in southeastern Asia.
tha-iThai (Muslim)Thai (Muslim)These names are a subset of Thai names used more often by Thai Muslims.
perfTheatreTheatreThese names occur primarily in plays, musicals and operas. They are not commonly given to real people.
theoTheologyTheologyThese names are used to refer to (Judeo-Christian-Islamic) deities. They are not bestowed upon real people.
thr-anciThracianThracianyThracian names were used by the ancient Thracian people of southeastern Europe.
tibTibetanTibetanyTibetan names are used by the Tibetan people who live in the region of Tibet in central Asia.
tigTigrinyaTigrinyayTigrinya names are used in Eritrea and Ethiopia.
tivTivTivyTiv names are used by the Tiv people of Nigeria.
tliTlingitTlingityTlingit names are used in southern Alaska and western Canada by the Tlingit people.
dgrTłı̨chǫTłı̨chǫyTłı̨chǫ (or Dogrib) names are used by the Tłı̨chǫ people of northern Canada.
toc-anciTocharianTocharianyTocharian names were used by the ancient Tocharian people who inhabited the Tarim Basin (now in western China).
tngTongaTongayTonga names are used in Zambia and Zimbabwe.
tonTonganTonganyTongan names are used on the island nation of Tonga.
tooTooroTooroyTooro names are used by the Tooro people of western Uganda.
triTrinidadian CreoleTrinidadian CreoleyTrinidadian Creole names are used on the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean.
trpTripuriTripuriyTripuri names are used by the Tripuri people in eastern India.
tsaTsakonianTsakonianyTsakonian names are used on the Peloponnese in Greece.
tsoTsongaTsongayTsonga names are used by the Tsonga people of South Africa and Mozambique.
tsuTsouTsouyTsou names are used by the indigenous Tsou people of Taiwan.
tswTswanaTswanayTswana names are used in Botswana and South Africa.
tuaTuaregTuaregyTuareg names are used by the Tuareg people of the Sahara.
tumTumbukaTumbukayTumbuka names are used in Malawi, Zambia and Tanzania.
tupTupiTupiyTupi names are used by the Tupi people of Brazil.
turTurkishTurkishyTurkish names are used in the country of Turkey, which is situated in western Asia and southeastern Europe. Turkey is part of the larger Muslim world.
tkmTurkmenTurkmenyTurkmen names are used in the country of Turkmenistan.
tvlTuvaluanTuvaluanyTuvaluan names are used on the island of Tuvalu in Polynesia.
tuvTuvanTuvanyTuvan names are used in Tuva, a federal subject of Russia.
ubyUbykhUbykhyUbykh names are used by the Ubykh people, who were originally from the Caucasus but now live mostly in Turkey and the Middle East.
udmUdmurtUdmurtyUdmurt names are used in Udmurtia in Russia.
uga-mythUgaritic MythologyUgaritic MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the people from the ancient city of Ugarit (in modern Syria).
ukrUkrainianUkrainianyUkrainian names are used in the country of Ukraine in eastern Europe.
ger-uUpper GermanUpper GermanyThese names are a subset of German names used more often in southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
urdUrduUrduyUrdu names are used in Pakistan and India.
urhUrhoboUrhoboyUrhobo names are used by the Urhobo people of Nigeria.
uteUteUteyUte names are used by the Ute people of Colorado and Utah.
uygUyghurUyghuryUyghur names are used by the Uyghur people in western China.
uzbUzbekUzbekyUzbek names are used in the country of Uzbekistan in central Asia.
vnd-anciVandalicVandalicyThese names were used by the Vandals, an eastern Germanic people who migrated via Hispania to North Africa.
variVariousVariousThese names do not "belong" to any one culture. They are put here because they cannot be categorized anywhere else.
vndVendaVendayVenda names are used by the Venda people of northeastern South Africa and southern Zimbabwe.
venVenetianVenetianyVenetian names are used in the Veneto region of Italy by speakers of Venetian.
vepVepsVepsyVeps names are used in northwestern Russia by the Veps people.
vieVietnameseVietnameseyVietnamese names are used in the country of Vietnam in southeastern Asia.
vilVilamovianVilamovianyVilamovian names are used in the town of Wilamowice in Poland.
vlaVlachVlachVlach names are used in Serbia and Bulgaria by speakers of Vlach, a Romanian dialect.
wlnWalloonWalloonyWalloon names are used in southern Belgium by speakers of Walloon.
wamWampanoagWampanoagyWampanoag names are used by the Wampanoag people of Massachusetts.
warWarlpiriWarlpiriyWarlpiri names are used by the indigenous Warlpiri people of central Australia.
welWelshWelshyWelsh names are used in the country of Wales in Britain.
wel-mythWelsh MythologyWelsh MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of Wales.
fri-wWest FrisianWest FrisianyWest Frisian names are used in Friesland in the northern Netherlands.
afr-wWestern AfricanWestern AfricanyWestern African names include those from Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte dIvoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo.
wygWestern YugurWestern YuguryWestern Yugur names are used in western China by the Yugur people.
wirWiradjuriWiradjuriyWiradjuri names are used by the indigenous Wiradjuri people of southeastern Australia.
wolWolofWolofyWolof names are used by the Wolof people of Senegal, Gambia and Mauritania.
xhoXhosaXhosayXhosa names are used by the Xhosa people of South Africa.
ykmYakamaYakamayYakama names are used by the Yakama people who live in the American state of Washington.
yknYakanYakanyYakan names are used on the island of Basilan in the Philippines by speakers of Yakan.
yakYakutYakutyYakut names are used by the Yakut (or Sakha) people of Siberia.
yaoYaoYaoyYao names are used in Malawi, Tanzania and Mozambique.
yufYavapaiYavapaiyYavapai names are used by the Yavapai people who live in the American state of Arizona.
yelYellowknifeYellowknifeYellowknife names are used by the Yellowknife people (Yellowknives) of northern Canada.
yiiYiYiyYi names are used by the Yi people of China.
jew-yYiddishYiddishyThese names are used by Yiddish-speaking Jews.
yolYolnguYolnguyYolngu names are used by the indigenous Yolngu people of northern Australia.
yorYorubaYorubayYoruba names are used by the Yoruba people of Nigeria.
yor-mythYoruba MythologyYoruba MythologyThese names occur in the mythologies and legends of the Yoruba people of Nigeria.
may-yYucatec MayaYucatec MayayYucatec Maya names are used by the Maya people of the Yucatan Peninsula.
yupYupikYupikyYupik names are used by the Yupik people of Alaska and eastern Russia.
zapZapotecZapotecyZapotec names are used by the Zapotec people of southern Mexico.
zhuZhuangZhuangyZhuang names are used by the Zhuang people of southern China.
zulZuluZuluyZulu names are used by the Zulu people of South Africa.
unkn??These names have not yet been assigned to a category. Some of them may be spurious.