[Facts] Re: And now for something completely diferent....
by 'Cole (guest)
12/11/2001, 10:43 AM
I never had one specific imaginary friend. I had an imaginary class. Because I've always wanted to be a teacher, I used to play "school". After my tattle-tale brother told mom that I tied him to the chair and forced him to learn his ABC's, I was forced to use my imagination (not too hard for me, even now).
My most outstanding students were:
Steven and Stacy- They were the know-it-alls and twins, too.
Mikey- The class clown. One time he even got sent to the principal's office (that would be me with my mom's glasses on) for writing a dirty word on the blackboard.
Marzapan- the class artist. She drew a beautiful picture I would keep above the chalkboard. Isn't Marzapan something you used when baking? I must have heard it from my mom at the time.
Ursla-the popular snob.
Howie- the most popular boy. He was not a snob,though.
These are the only ones I can remember. My brother used to think I was crazy for talking to myself out on the patio (where we kept the chalkboard). I told him once if he had an imagination he could have an imaginary friend to play with. He cried to my mom because I wouldn't give him one of my imaginary friends. Isn't that funny?