Welcome to my adoption agency! If you fill out the forms below, I will match you with up to four children!
Note: If you receive one set of children and want more, please restrict yourself to only posts (that you expect to be filled today)! This is for you Quigonjecca!! =)
You: (name, age, profession)
SO: (name, age, profession)
Children: (name, age, interests)
Pets: (name, species)
Others living with you: (name, age, relation to you, reason for being with you)
Other info?
Number of children: (up to 4)
Multiples? If yes, up to how many?
Teen parent? If yes: mother, father, or both?
Pregnant teen? If yes, father also?
Disabilities? If so, what types and what severities?
Nationality preference?
Language preference?
Religion preference?
Other info?