LN: Evans
Stacy Lynne, 35, stay at home mom
Gregory Jack "
Greg", 39, journalist
April Elodia Daisy (10) enjoys dance and writing
Milo Cameron James (7) enjoys soccer and baseball
Corinna Katharine Joy (3) enjoys dolls and playing outside
Dexter, fish
Others living with you: None
Number of children: 4
Genders: 2 girls and 2 boys
Ages: Newborn to 16
Siblings? Yes
Multiples? Yes, but only twins
Teen parent? Yes, but only the mother if she is separated from the father
Pregnant teen? Yes, but only if the mother if she is separated from the father
Disabilities? Physical and learning disabilities, and only mild ones
Nationality preference?
America, England, Canada, Mexico, Central American countries, Australia, New Zealand,
China, Japan, Russia, Poland
Language preference? English
Religion preference? None, we will support their own religion
Other info? None